ESMO and Congress President
- Rolf A. Stahel, Zurich, Switzerland
Scientific Chairs
- Fortunato Ciardiello, Naples, Italy, Chair
- Anthony T.C. Chan, Hong Kong, China, Co-Chair
Local Officer
- Patrick Tan, Singapore
Press Officer
- Solange Peters, Lausanne, Switzerland
Scientific Committee
Breast cancer
- Fabrice André, Villejuif, France, Chair
- Zefei Jiang, Beijing, China
- Sung-Bae Kim, Seoul, Korea
- Sherene Loi, Melbourne, Australia
- Sibylle Loibl, Neu-Isenburg, Germany
- Kenji Tamura, Tokyo, Japan
- Masakazu Toi, Kyoto, Japan
CNS tumours
- Roger Stupp, Zurich, Switzerland, Chair
- Zhong-Ping Chen, Guangzhou, China
- Rakesh Jalali, Mumbai, India
- Do-Hyun Nam, Seoul, Korea
- Ryo Nishikawa, Saitama-ken, Japan
Developmental therapeutics
- Tony S.K. Mok, Hong Kong, China, Chair
- Alex A. Adjei, Buffalo, NY, USA
- Christian Dittrich, Vienna, Austria
- Josep Tabernero, Barcelona, Spain
- Daniel Tan, Singapore
Gastrointestinal tumours
- Yung-Jue Bang, Seoul, Korea, Chair
- Dirk Arnold, Freiburg, Germany
- Ian Chau, Sutton, UK
- Ann-Lii Cheng, Taipei, Taiwan
- Jin Li, Shanghai, China
- Atsushi Ohtsu, Kashiwa, Japan
- Eric Van Cutsem, Leuven, Belgium
Genitourinary tumours
- Johann S. de Bono, Sutton, UK, Chair
- Kim Chi, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Ian Davis, Box Hill, Australia
- Karim Fizazi, Villejuif, France
- Ravindran Kanesvaran, Singapore
- Oliver Sartor, New Orleans, LA, USA
- Bin Tean Teh, Singapore
Gynaecological cancers
- Keiichi Fujiwara, Saitama-ken, Japan, Chair
- David Bowtell, Melbourne, Australia
- Andrés Cervantes, Valencia, Spain
- Robert L. Coleman, Houston, TX, USA
- Stanley B. Kaye, Sutton, UK
- David Tan, Singapore
Haematological malignancies
- Michele Ghielmini, Bellinzona, Switzerland, Chair
- Martin Dreyling, Munich, Germany
- Zhi-Ming Li, Guangzhou, China
- Masao Seto, Fukuoka, Japan
- Lena Specht, Copenhagen, Denmark
Head and neck cancer
- Anthony T. C. Chan, Hong Kong, China, Chair
- Lisa Licitra, Milan, Italy
- Amanda Psyrri, Athens, Greece
- Makoto Tahara, Tokyo, Japan
- Joseph Wee, Singapore
Melanoma and immunotherapy
- Ignacio Melero, Pamplona, Spain, Chair
- George Coukos, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Alexander M.M. Eggermont, Villejuif, France
- Peter Hersey, Newcastle, Australia
- Grant McArthur, Melbourne, Australia
- Koji Tamada, Ube, Japan
- Thomas Tüting, Bonn, Germany
- Jean-Yves Blay, Lyon, France, Chair
- Paolo G. Casali, Milan, Italy
- Ian Judson, Sutton, UK
- Akira Kawai, Tokyo, Japan
- Javier Martin-Broto, Seville, Spain
Supportive & palliative care
- Mario Dicato, Luxembourg, Chair
- Matti Aapro, Genolier, Switzerland
- Dorothy Keefe, Adelaide, Australia
- Yeur-Hur Lai, Taipei, Taiwan
- Alex Molassiotis, Hong Kong, China
- Florian Scotté, Paris, France
Thoracic cancers
- Yi-Long Wu, Guangzhou, China, Chair
- Pasi Jånne, Boston, MA, US
- Tetsuya Mitsudomi, Osaka-Sayama, Japan
- Keunchil Park, Seoul, Korea
- Solange Peters, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Martin Reck, Grosshansdorf, Germany
- Sumitra Thongprasert, Chiangmai, Thailand
Educational Steering Committee
- Jean-Yves Douillard, St. Herblain, France, Chair
- Tetsuya Mitsudomi, Osaka-Sayama, Japan, Co-Chair
- Raffaele Califano, Manchester, UK
- Andrés Cervantes Ruiperez, Valencia, Spain
- Michele Ghielmini, Bellinzona, Switzerland
- Claus-Henning Koehne, Oldenburg, Germany
- Giannis Mountzios, Athens, Greece
- Miklos Pless, Winterthur, Switzerland
- Florian Strasser, St. Gallen, Switzerland
- Giampaolo Tortora, Verona, Italy
Advisory Council
- Jean-Pierre Armand, Villejuif, France
- Gouri Shankar Bhattacharyya, Kolkata, India
- Ravindran Kanesvaran, Singapore
- Stanley B. Kaye, Sutton, UK
- Tony S.K. Mok, Hong Kong, China
- Eric Van Cutsem, Leuven, Belgium