Welcome from the Congress President
With this goal in mind and on behalf of ESMO, I encourage you to join the ESMO community of oncology professionals and participate by attending this exciting first ESMO Asia Congress, 18-21 December 2015 at the Suntec Convention & Exhibition Centre in Singapore. Read the invitation from Rolf A. Stahel, ESMO and Congress President.
Welcome from the Congress Chairs
Today, more than ever, oncology demands a multidisciplinary approach. At the ESMO Asia Congress you can expect practical seminars and wide-ranging debates which answer the question about how oncologists from different areas of specialisation can best work together to achieve even greater treatment results for cancer patients. ESMO Asia will serve to bridge the gap between Asian oncologists and their European counterparts, leveraging the multicultural and professional diversity inherent to both Asia and Europe. This Congress is a unique opportunity to promote the international exchange of expertise. Read the welcome message from the Committee Chairs.
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