ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition
European Cancer Patient Coalition represents and speaks up for more than 10 million cancer patients across Europe and beyond. With over 400 members, ECPC works for Europe of equality, where cancer patients have timely and affordable access to best treatment and care available, throughout their life. ECPC’s mission is to empower cancer patients so they are recognized as co-creators of their health.
- Booth PA12
Europa Colon
Europa Colon is an advocacy platform for colorectal and digestive cancers aiming to raise awareness, support patients, and campaign for equity of access to best treatment and care in Europe. Working with the EU Commission on standards of CRC care and re-energizing screening efforts; undertaking a European survey of the Unmet Needs of Patients with metastatic colorectal and also stomach cancer.
- Booth PA8
Europa Donna
Europa Donna, the European Breast Cancer Coalition is an independent non-profit organisation whose members are affiliated groups from countries throughout Europe. The Coalition works to raise awareness of breast cancer and to mobilise the support of European women in pressing for improved breast cancer education, appropriate screening, optimal treatment and increased funding for research.
- Booth PA3
Europa Uomo
Europa Uomo, the European Prostate Cancer Coalition, represents and supports patient groups with prostate diseases in general and cancer in particular. Our aims include increasing awareness of prostate diseases, the support of individualized treatment based on optimal medical treatment with personalized patient care and patients’ advocacy as a priority focused on quality of life based on solidarity and mutual respect. Our expansion is based on collaboration with the professional organizations to provide information on evidence based treatment, to educate men on holistic patient care and on solidarity in advocacy with other patient support groups.
- Booth PA7
IBTA - International Brain Tumour Alliance
The International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) is a global network founded in 2005 as a dynamic worldwide community for brain tumour patient organisations and others involved in the field of neuro-oncology. The IBTA brings together experience and expertise from all over the world to enhance the well-being and quality of life of brain tumour patients and their families.
- Booth PA4
IKCC - International Kidney Cancer Coalition
The International Kidney Cancer Coalition (IKCC) is an independent international network of patient organisations that focus exclusively, or include a specific focus, on kidney cancer. It is legally incorporated as a Foundation in the Netherlands. The organisation was born from a very strong desire among various national kidney cancer patient groups to network, cooperate and share materials, knowledge, and experiences.
- Booth PA9
LCE - Lymphoma Coalition Europe
The Lymphoma Coalition Europe (LCE) is the European branch of the Lymphoma Coalition (LC). It focuses on issues of regional interest together with the LC 38 member organisations located in Europe and in Israel. LCE contributes to the implementation of LC mission in the region:
- Being the European source for lymphoma facts and statistics;
- Building capacity for lymphoma groups;
- Improving awareness;
- Coordinating advocacy efforts.
- Booth PA5
Leukemia Patient Advocates Foundation
The "Leukemia Patient Advocates Foundation" is a patient-led non-profit foundation in Switzerland. Its mission is to improve the lives & survival of patients affected by Leukaemia It is a platform for discussions & best practice sharing to Leukaemia patient groups worldwide. The foundation collaborates with all stakeholders involved in research, treatment & care. It also acts as a platform for patient organisations – concentrating on educating, connecting & supporting patient group leaders. The foundation acts as a legal platform for self-sustained patient advocacy initiatives like the CML Advocates Network, MPN Advocates Network, CLL Advocates Network & Acute Leukaemia Advocates Networks.
- Booth PA2
LuCE - Lung Cancer Europe
The main objective is to increase the survival rates and the improvement of health related quality of life of lung cancer patients, promoting the best possible treatment of the different types of lung cancer and the equal access to care throughout Europe and reducing the stigma still associated with this disease and the people affected by it. It counts 15 full members and 6 associate members, representing 15 European countries and the main areas of action are awareness, education and advocacy.
- Booth PA5
MPNE - Melanoma Patients Network Europe
- Booth PA1
Myeloma Patients Europe
SPAEN - Sarcoma Patients EuroNet
Together We Can Make A Difference For Those Affected By Sarcomas! SPAEN is the International Network of Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Bone Cancer, GIST and Desmoid Patient Advocacy Groups. It was born from a strong desire among national patient groups to network, cooperate and share knowledge and experiences. Acting in close partnership with clinical sarcoma experts, scientific researchers, pharmaceutical industry and other stakeholders, SPAEN is working to support sarcoma research and to improve the diagnosis, treatment and care of sarcoma patients.
- Booth PA11