On 7 June, the European Commission (EC) opened a call for proposal for 2021 Thematic Networks under the EU Health Policy Platform. The EC’s Health Policy Platform hosts a range of Thematic Networks, whose aim is to work with their communities and create Joint Statements that support the various policy initiatives being developed at EU level. Thematic Networks are designed to discuss health issues, share ideas, and gather information on policy areas related to health.
This year, Rare Cancers Europe responded to the Call for proposals for the creation of new Thematic Networks dedicated to rare cancers. Despite the increased focus on oncology at European level, rare cancers are still a neglected area deserving attention across all policies as well as on-going and planned initiatives.
The European Commission has now selected the RCE proposal “Rare Cancers in All Policies” as one of the 5 semi-finalists. Only the three proposals that receive the most votes will be selected as 2021 Thematic Networks.
If RCE’s proposal is selected as one of the 3 final proposals for the Thematic Network 2021, a Joint Statement on rare cancers will be produced and ensure that the disease area is not overlooked in the on-going political discussion at European level. Additionally, this will guarantee that the needs of the rare cancer community, and most importantly rare cancer patients, will be reflected and subsequently integrated across the various policy initiatives at EU level.
The European Commission has now opened a “competition” between the 5 shortlisted proposals through a polling exercise. Thus, RCE would be grateful for you to take part in the poll and cast your vote for “Rare Cancers in All Policies”.
How to Vote for the RCE Thematic Network on rare cancers
In order to take part in the poll, you are required to be a member of the EU Health Policy Platform and therefore your association’s transparency registration number is a requirement. Please find below the steps to vote for the RCE’s proposal:
If you are already a member of the EU Health Policy Platform, please access to the poll system available here.
If you are not an EU Health Policy Platform member yet, please follow the steps below:
- Check if your organisation has a Transparency Register Number
- If yes, use the Transparency Registration number to register yourself on the EU Health Policy Platform following this link
- Once you have registered on the platform and receive the confirmation email, please click here to vote for Rare Cancers Europe
Please note that the poll will close on 26th July 23:59 CEST time.
Additional information on RCE’s proposal for the Thematic Network 2021
If you are interested in having more information about RCE Thematic Network proposal, this was presented on a webinar pitch organised by the European Commission on July 7th and the recording is available here for all EU Health Policy Platform members. Additionally, if you are interested in reading the RCE application, please find it here.