The Health Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Resilience in the WHO European Region 2024–2029: Preparedness 2.0 builds upon lessons learned from past crises, particularly the COVID-19 pandemic, and recognises the increasing threats posed by climate change, conflict, and emerging diseases.
ESMO welcomed the ‘dual-track approach’ of the Preparedness 2.0 Strategy, which acknowledges that essential health services, including cancer care, should continue being delivered whilst healthcare systems prioritise their responses to emergencies. ESMO called for a clear reference to strengthening healthcare service preparedness at secondary and tertiary care levels where patients with cancer are predominately treated, and reiterated the importance of integrating sustainable cancer care services into preparedness and response planning. The key actions should include:
- The adequate, continued, and timely access to cancer and palliative care services and medicines, including opioids for pain relief;
- the development of ethical and methodological decision-making guidelines for healthcare workers for situations where resources must be re-allocated or are in shortage; and
- support to the mental wellbeing of the healthcare workforce.
In addition, ESMO shared its resources on cancer workforce and cancer patient management during the COVID-19 pandemic to inform the development of the strategy Implementation Support Guide by WHO EURO.
The 74th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe (RC74) takes place in Copenhagen 29.-31. October 2024 and will be invited to consider both the Preparedness 2.0 strategy and action plan and to adopt a related draft decision. ESMO will follow closely the developments.