ESMO Engages with Upcoming Polish EU Presidency to Advance Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
Strategic Recommendations Highlighted to Tackle Europe’s Growing Cancer Burden
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Strategic Recommendations Highlighted to Tackle Europe’s Growing Cancer Burden
ESMO welcomes the recent adoption of the non-binding Council Recommendations on smoke-free environments which include new measures covering emerging tobacco and related products such as e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products (HTPs)
Key progress follows targeted proposals and continued engagement with EU policymakers
ESMO continues with its efforts to fight the tobacco epidemic and to achieve the ambitious goal of creating the Tobacco-Free Generation, set in the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan (EBCP)
Robust funding of R&I is essential for accelerating medical research and supporting the development of novel cancer treatments, benefitting patients with cancer and European society at large
ESMO’s input to Preparedness 2.0 - the World Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe Strategy for Health Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Resilience (2024–2029) - is reflected in the final text adopted by the 53 WHO Europe Member States at the 74th Regional Committee meeting
The European Union’s (EU) Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Regulation holds enormous potential to improve HTA across Europe and facilitate better access to innovative treatments. Tools developed by the oncology community such as the ESMO-MCBS can help achieve the aims of the HTA Regulation and deliver tangible benefits to patients with cancer
The forthcoming FP10 programme holds enormous potential to boost cancer research in Europe and help achieve the goals of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and the Mission on Cancer. ESMO is listed among the contributors to the Heitor Report and supports its recommendation to allocate €220 billion to FP10
Robust Joint Scientific Consultations (JSCs) are essential for enabling clinical assessments of new cancer treatments under the EU’s HTA Regulation and ultimately delivering tangible benefits to patients with cancer
ESMO’s Rare Cancers Working Group (RCWG) continues its work to secure the prioritisation of rare cancers on the global and European healthcare agendas and provided feedback on the European Economic and Social Committee’s (EESC)
ESMO outlined several actions for Member States on three priority areas – prevention, healthcare systems, cancer workforce
While the new WHO guidelines address key aspects of trial inclusivity and design, ESMO continues to push for stronger prioritization of cancer and rare diseases
The Framework Programmes of the European Union (EU) hold enormous potential to boost cancer research in Europe and drive innovation in the oncology field
ESMO input to World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO EURO) strategy and action plan on health emergencies, which the 53 Member States will discuss at the 74th Regional Committee meeting, highlight the importance of continuity of cancer care
ESMO advocates for Universal Health Coverage and Decent Working Conditions in Healthcare to enable equitable cancer care in the future UN’s global development agenda
The European Union’s (EU) Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Regulation holds great potential to help improve patient access to innovative cancer treatments
As the 194 WHO Member States extend their negotiations on the Pandemic Agreement until May 2025, ESMO’s open letter urges them to strengthen health systems for continued cancer care during and beyond pandemics
Hundreds of trials are being delayed in Europe due to unintended consequences of the IVDR posing an existential threat to Europe’s role as a leader in global oncological research
The European Union’s (EU) HTA Regulation, if implemented well, holds enormous potential to improve patient access to novel cancer treatments
Robust preventative strategies aimed at driving back cancer-causing viruses are a key requisite for tackling Europe’s cancer burden and achieving the goals of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
A robust EU4Health programme - the EU’s main scheme for fostering health in Europe - is essential to reduce the incidence of cancer in Europe and achieve the objectives of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
ESMO Director of Public Policy, Professor Jean-Yves Blay, speaks to leading media outlet Euractiv ahead of the EU 2024 elections about the role of oncologists in delivering Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan during the new EU mandate and the upcoming Hungarian EU Presidency
Pandemic Agreement, amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005), HPV and HBV vaccination coverage, the impact of air pollution and the 14th General Programme of Work (2025-2028) in the centre of ESMO’s contributions to the WHA 77
ESMO responded to World Health Organization (WHO) consultation aimed at informing the Director-General’s report for the Fourth High-level Meeting of the UN General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of NCDs
With up to 40% of all cancers being preventable, preventative strategies - including on cancer-causing viruses - are the most cost-effective way to control cancer and allow treatment for those cancers which cannot, yet, be averted
Optimal cancer care for all must be prioritised to secure the delivery of the UN’s sustainable development goals
ESMO statement at the 8th and final meeting of the WHO Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (WGIHR) on 22 April 2024 stressed the importance of minimizing delays in cancer care to save lives
Ahead of the plenary vote in the European Parliament (EP), held on 10 April 2024, ESMO wrote to the Political Groups Coordinators on the EP’s Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) to welcome its reports as a positive step towards reforming the European Union’s general pharmaceutical legislation, as it provides a once in a generation opportunity to improve the availability, accessibility and affordability of medicines for both cancer and rare cancer patients in the EU
ESMO’s membership in the CMA presents an opportunity to secure the inclusion of critical cancer drugs on the ‘Union list of critical medicines’ and prevent their shortages across Europe
The EHDS can contribute to boosting cancer research by facilitating the (re)use of existing data sources - in anonymised or pseudorandomised format - for research and innovation in oncology
Following the Ombudsman’s recent findings of maladministration regarding the Commission’s interactions with tobacco lobbyists and its subsequent decision not to bring forward the proposed Council recommendation on smoke-free environments, it is beyond belief that the Commission now appears to have removed plans to publish an evaluation – originally meant to come in 2022 - of the Tobacco Products Directive from its implementation
Optimisation of EU healthcare workforce, further commitment to achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and improved performance and resilience of EU health systems must become a top policy priority for the next EU mandate to ensure sustainable cancer care services for all
ESMO welcomed the revised draft of the negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement (13 March 2024) in a written statement
Robust implementing rules for JCAs are key for providing patient access to the latest medical innovations in the oncology field
The EHDS can unlock the potential of health data for cancer research, whilst delivering on the needs of patients with cancer
As the negotiations to increase global health security are nearing an end, ESMO reiterates the importance of strengthening the provision of secondary and tertiary healthcare services during pandemics to avoid leaving millions of patients with cancer behind
The European Health Data Space (EHDS), if implemented in a harmonious manner and accompanied by policies promoting digital health skills and tools for healthcare professionals, can boost the development of cancer treatments in Europe
The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the vulnerabilities of healthcare systems, showing the need to strengthen healthcare at secondary and tertiary care levels, especially for patients with cancer
ESMO continues advocating for the fair and equal treatment of cancer survivors across the EU when accessing financial services
ESMO urges the European Commission to include the frontline perspectives of medical oncologists on the implementation challenges with the GDPR in its upcoming report
ESMO calls for a holistic approach to the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Agenda with health and cancer care at its centre
The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) will be represented at the Brussels conference on “Improving patient access to oncology medicines and the role of the EU HTA Regulation: an urgent call to action” to be held on 1 February
ESMO has written to The Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union to express support for the development of an EU Directive to tackle work-related psychosocial risks and mitigate Europe’s health workforce crisis
The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), together with a number of health advocacy organisations, has published a statement condemning the European Commission’s decision to not bring forward the proposed Council recommendation on smoke-free environments.
ESMO delivered five official statements to the 154th World Health Organisation Executive Board meeting in Geneva, 22.-27. January 2024, on Universal Health Coverage, Non-Communicable Diseases, HPV vaccines, Health Emergencies, and Air Pollution
As the world observes the International Universal Health Coverage Day on December 12, ESMO calls for comprehensive cancer care services to be included in Universal Health coverage (UHC) benefit packages.
ESMO calls for sustainable cancer care services to be integrated into preparedness and response planning for both health emergencies and pandemics
On Tuesday 28 November 2023, the ENVI and LIBE Committees of the European Parliament adopted their report on the European Health Data Space (EHDS).
ESMO advocates for stricter legislative measures for sunbed use in the EU to reduce the risks of melanoma
Teresa Amaral - member of the ESMO Council and the ESMO-MCBS Working Group - presented the ESMO-Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale
On 26 April 2023 the European Commission published its proposal to revise the EU’s general pharmaceutical legislation, which includes one Regulation and one Directive
The European Parliament’s Plenary recently adopted the final text of the EU Consumer Credits Directive which includes, for the first time in history, provisions that personal information like health data, particularly information on cancer, should not be utilised when determining creditworthiness
The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) will be represented at the high-level conference From Theory to Practice: Implementing the EU Health Technology Assessment Regulation , which will take place in Seville on 22 November 2023, where Dr Teresa Amaral will present the ESMO-Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale (ESMO-MCBS) as part of a stakeholder panel
Dedicated efforts urgently needed to optimize the workforce for cancer care and improved well-being of medical oncologists in the 53 WHO Europe Member States
The European Parliament recently adopted in plenary its report on the ongoing revision of the EU Ambient Air Quality Directives
ESMO’s response to the draft World Health Organization (WHO) guidance for global practices for clinical trials highlights that successful development of clinical research requires patient-centredness.
The first-ever head of state summit on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response took place in New York 20 September 2023 during the UN General Assembly.
ESMO welcomes the 2023 UN Political Declaration on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) as it represents an extraordinary opportunity to accelerate action on cancer prevention and control globally.
Further action needed to ensure patients with cancer are not left behind
ESMO congratulates Iliana Ivanova on her appointment as European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
Urgent action needed to ensure equitable and timely support for cancer patients around the world.
The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) has raised concerns about the unforeseen impact of the implementation of the European Union’s (EU) Regulation on In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices (IVDR) on patient access to clinical trials utilising in-vitro diagnostics, with EU Commissioner for Health Stella Kyriakides, and called for concrete solutions that benefit cancer patients.
ESMO frequently provides feedback to public consultations on cancer-related topics launched by international and regional organizations, reflecting the point of view of the medical oncology profession.
ESMO delivered a statement during the first joint meeting between the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) and the WHO International Health Regulations Working Group, requesting that the inclusion of wording on access to secondary and tertiary healthcare services - already included in the text of the International Health Regulations (IHR) - also be included in the ‘Pandemic Accord’ (WHO CA+).
Last October, the European Commission (EC) published its proposal to revise the EU legislation on air pollution, setting the annual limit value for Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) at 10 µg/m³ (reduction from the current 25 µg/m³).
On Tuesday 27 June 2023, the European Parliament and the Member States of the European Union (EU) reached a provisional agreement on the revision of the EU’s rules on occupational exposure to asbestos, the Asbestos at Work Directive.
ESMO participates in the International Negotiating Body (INB) meetings that bring together the 194 WHO Member States to negotiate a Pandemic Accord.
ESMO advocates for the needs of medical oncologists and cancer patients to be addressed in the 2023 UN Political Declaration on Universal Health Coverage
The recently launched Public Policy Committee (PPC), with members from Peru through to Australia and representing all major cancer types, of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) held its first meeting virtually on 5 June 2023.
ESMO Supports WHO’s World No Tobacco Day
ESMO calls for specific wording on secondary and tertiary health services to be retained in the International Health Regulations and included in the UN Political Declaration on Universal Health Coverage
The revision of the EU’s Asbestos at Work Directive is set to enhance the protection of workers in Europe against asbestos, which is a highly dangerous carcinogenic substance. ESMO’s efforts to establish a robust exposure limit of 1,000 fibres per m3 and use more modern measuring methods are reflected in the European Parliament’s position.
The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) in the European Parliament adopted its Report on the revision of the European Union’s (EU) rules on work-related exposure to asbestos on Wednesday 26 April 2023
ESMO was invited to participate in the Open Session of the 24th WHO Expert Committee on Selection and Use of Essential Medicines
The publication of the European Commission’s proposal to revise the EU’s pharmaceuticals legislation is a once in a generation opportunity to improve the availability, accessibility and affordability of medicines in the EU
There is a need to improve the communication of the benefits and related uncertainties of anticancer drugs to patients and their clinicians, highlights an analysis of anticancer drugs granted a first marketing authorisation by the European Medicines Agency
Ahead of the launch of proposals to amend the European Union’s (EU) legislation on pharmaceuticals, Prof Jean-Yves Blay, ESMO’s Director of Public Policy, recently gave an interview to POLITICO - a major news outlet covering developments in EU affairs and a must-read for policy makers
This year World Health Day, 7 April, marks the 75th Anniversary of the World Health Organization (WHO).
In the European Parliament (EP) and Council of Ministers, discussions are currently progressing on the legislative proposal for establishing the European Health Data Space (EHDS).
At the meeting of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) held on 1 March 2023, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) expressed their cross-party support for a reduced Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) to asbestos.
ESMO is contributing to formulating an approach to a price structure for effective high-cost novel medicines
The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) urged the EU legislators to adopt stricter limits on air pollution, aiming to prevent new lung cancer cases in Europe.
The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) highlighted the importance of increasing vaccination against Human Papillomaviruses (HPV) and the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) in its response to a ‘Call for Evidence’ on vaccination against cancer-causing viruses.
ESMO Statement at the 152nd WHO Executive Board Meeting
ESMO Statement at the 152nd WHO Executive Board Meeting
ESMO Statement at the 152nd WHO Executive Board Meeting
ESMO Statement at the 152nd WHO Executive Board Meeting
The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) has called on the Member States of the European Union (EU) to adopt stricter limits on air pollution, aiming to prevent lung cancer cases in Europe, following a recently launched proposal to revise the EU’s rules on ambient air quality.
The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) has reached out to key Members of the European Parliament to underline the need for adopting strict EU limits on occupational exposure to asbestos, which is crucial for preventing cancer cases caused by asbestos.
Dr Dario Trapani has been appointed as ESMO’s lead representative in the Healthcare Professionals' Working Party (HCPWP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) responded to the recently launched public consultation on the revision of the EU’s Asbestos at Work Directive and called for the adoption of stricter measures to address the health-related impact of asbestos.
The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) responded to the EUnetHTA 21 public consultation on its draft deliverable D4.4 on ‘Endpoints’.
ESMO President, Solange Peters, was invited by the WHO Regional Director for Europe, Hans Kluge, to provide an ESMO Statement on the resolution of the ‘Roadmap to accelerate the elimination of cervical cancer as a public health problem in the WHO European Region 2022–2030’
ESMO, together with 28 other organisations, endorsed a joint statement supporting the resolution on the ‘Regional digital health action plan for the WHO European Region’
ESMO, together with other organisations, endorsed a joint statement on the ‘Implementation of the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases in the WHO European Region 2016–2025: Progress report’
ESMO, together with other organisations, endorsed a joint statement on the resolution on the ‘WHO European framework for action to achieve the highest attainable standard of health for persons with disabilities 2022–2030’
The EU’s Horizon Europe Mission on Cancer, launched in September 2021, will fund a portfolio of activities aimed at addressing the burden of cancer on society and accelerating research and innovation in the cancer domain
An ESMO statement was delivered by the ESMO Director of Public Policy, Rosa Giuliani, on the topic of ‘Follow-up to the political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases’ during the World Health Assembly (WHA75), 22-28 May 2022
An ESMO statement was delivered by the ESMO Director of Public Policy, Rosa Giuliani, on the topic of ‘The Public Health Dimension of the World Drug Problem’, during the World Health Assembly (WHA75), 22-28 May 2022.
An ESMO statement was delivered by the ESMO President, Solange Peters, on the topic of Human Resources for Health, during the World Health Assembly (WHA75), 22-28 May 2022.
ESMO delivered an official statement at the Special Session of the World Health Assembly to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
The protection of cancer patients through immunisation against COVID-19 is a public health priority
Decide is the Health Decision Hub hosted by the World Health Organisation
ESMO has been granted ‘special consultation status’ with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
ESMO President Solange Peters and ESMO officers Paolo G. Casali and Elisabeth De Vries have been invited to speak at the virtual meeting [29 October] marking 25 years of EMA's strong commitment to protect public health with a focus on cancer
ESMO congratulated the United Nations on 75 years of achievements in defence of health as a human right which it celebrated in a virtual High-Level Meeting to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations on 21 September.
An ambitious European Programme of Work (EPW 2020–2025) – “United Action for Better Health in Europe” has just been adopted by WHO Europe at its virtual Regional Committee Meeting (14-15 September 2020)
WHO Guide ‘Selection of Essential Medicines at Country Level: Using the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines to update a national essential medicines list’
Biosimilars have a fascinating story of development, says Rosa Giuliani, and understanding it is crucial for widespread adoption.
The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the world’s two leading organisations for oncology professionals, today issued a joint statement calling upon governments to renew political commitment to improve cancer services and reduce cancer deaths.
At the 71st World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva, Switzerland, ESMO, the leading professional organisation for medical oncology, delivered two statements positioning cancer as a priority on the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) global agenda.
Policy recommendations and concrete actions governments can take towards achieving the goals of the landmark World Health Assembly Resolution on ‘Cancer prevention and control within an integrated approach’ adopted unanimously by the 194 WHO Member States in May 2017.
Launch Event: 17 May 2017 at the European Parliament
ESMO launches the first eUpdates for its world-renowned ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)
Incredible steps being made by the African Palliative Care Association to improve access to pain medication in Africa
ESMO listed in the public registry of healthcare professionals' organisations eligible to work with the EMA
On 22 May 2012, the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) Office of Cancer Centres has published the following announcement on the NCI Website
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