ESMO welcomes Press Representatives working for ESMO-Recognised Press Outlets and accepts Third Party Media Representatives interested in reporting on cancer issues from ESMO-organised Events as well as ESMO partnership Events with other organisations, whether held in-person or in a virtual format.
This policy is aimed at providing guidance to Press Representatives and Third Party Media Representatives when performing Press Filming Activities and TP Filming Activities initiated or in connection with Events, respectively.
Please check the following definitions for your reference:
“Event“ refers to meetings, congresses and other types of ESMO-organised Events as well as ESMO Partnership events with other organisations, whether organised in-person or in a virtual format.
“ESMO-Recognised Press Outlets” refers to trade and mainstream outlets regularly publishing free access independent and original news coverage or commentaries as primary activity.
The coverage must be produced by recognised Press Representatives (see below), avoiding educational content/CME or material intended for medical professionals.
In particular, ESMO-Recognised Press Outlets refers to:
- Magazines, newspapers
- News agencies and newswire services
- Broadcast media (radio or TV)
- Web sites consistently publishing editorial news coverage, provided they are widely accessible with complete editorial independence and freedom from sponsors/advertisers.
The outlet inclusion and eligibility criteria outlined above, are the only applicable policy and ESMO has total discretion in recognising such organisations.
Outlets not recognised by ESMO are subject to the definition and rules of Third Party (see below)
“Press Representatives” refers to professionals for whom journalism is the primary activity and to Press Filming Crew members (see below), both working for ESMO-Recognised Press Outlets and duly registered through the MyESMO Press Area (see below) and/or accredited by ESMO at Events.
“Press Filming Crew” refers to a single professional or a group of camera operators, photographers, technicians, assistants, etc, appointed by or working for ESMO-Recognised Press Outlets.
“Press Filming Activities” refers to ESMO content captured through activities such as filming, audio recording and photography, performed by Press Filming Crews, involving, addressing or referring to:
- Events AND/OR
- ESMO representatives AND/OR presenters/invited speakers at Events
For more details please refer to the ESMO Policy on Press Activities.
“Third Parties Media Representatives or TP Media Representatives” refers to any entities which are not ESMO nor an ESMO-Recognised Press Outlet nor Press Representative.
In particular it refers to representatives of (even if they have a press card) the following organisations:
- Public relations agencies
- Advertising, communications and media agencies
- Sales and marketing
- Professionals involved in financial analysis and/or conference reports production
- Pharmaceutical companies
- Foundations, charities, philanthropic organisations
- Personal websites (expressing personal opinions or not regularly writing about oncology)
- Sponsored journalists (providing a letter of assignment/invitation issued by a company)
- Companies or organisations producing publications, videos and other products intended for educational purposes (with or without a commercial component) and/or offering CME.
- Filming crews or photographers, representing or hired by organisations other than the ESMO-Recognised Press Outlets or by ESMO
- Peer-reviewed journals as well as Publishers
- Public Affairs Representatives (public affairs officers of academic institutions, scientific societies, registered medical research charities or patient advocacy groups) provided they declare they plan to prepare and publish an official report and/or news from the Event. A copy of the report from previous meetings should be forwarded together with the media registration request. A copy of the report from the meeting they are requesting accreditation for, must also be shared within 3 months after the Event.
For more details please refer to the ESMO Policy on Media Activities Organised by Third Parties
“TP Filming Crew” and “TP Filming Activities” refer respectively to filming crews appointed by or working for Third Parties and to content captured during Events through activities such as filming, audio recording and photography initiated by TP Filming Crews, involving, addressing or referring to:
- Events AND/OR
- ESMO representatives AND/OR presenters/invited speakers at Events
“MyESMO Press Area” refers to the online platform managed by ESMO, accessible to Press Representatives upon application and eligibility confirmation by ESMO.
“ESMO Communication Activities” refers to all communication activities initiated by ESMO and targeting Press Representatives, including but not limited to: press releases, press briefings and conferences, interviews, articles, videos, etc.
1. Accreditation of Press Filming Crews at Events for coverage purposes
Press Filming Crew members can obtain a press filming badge upon completion of the press accreditation through an online form, made available on the MyESMO Press Area page or to be requested at , only if accompanying an accredited Press Representative (such as an editor, a reporter, etc) or if appointed by an ESMO-Recognised Press Outlet in order to collect footage and pictures as supporting visual material for news coverage. Press Filming Crew members will not have access to embargoed material.
An official letter of assignment on press outlet’s letterhead, issued and signed by the Editor (including full name, email address, and phone number) of the assigning press outlet must be uploaded on to the application form or printed and carried if the application is performed onsite. Company/outlet business cards and membership cards are not accepted as sole credentials.
The ESMO Press Office reserves the right to withhold approval of the applications if the applicant and/or the press outlet does not satisfy the eligibility criteria or if the application form is sent without the requested supporting documents.
The decision of the ESMO Press Office is final regarding all press applications and the provision of false information about affiliation or credentials may result in a ban from the access to the MyESMO Press Area and from all future Events.
Any badge issued as a result of an accreditation process is the property of ESMO, it is required for admittance to all Events and must be visible at all times. Please note that the badge is needed for security purposes and is non-transferable. Misuse of badges such as sharing with individuals who are not accredited for the Event will result in a ban from current and future Events for all parties involved. No refunds, if applicable, will be issued.
No more than 3 press badges in total will be granted per Press Outlet (including Press Filming Crew members) and limitations on the number of granted badges may be applied if necessary.
The badge for Press Filming Activities entitles the holder to:
- Access the official Event press conferences and press briefings (if relevant) and all sessions in the official Event programme for news coverage purposes.
- Access the Filming Area (or an equivalent space), the Meeting Point (a specific and comfortable waiting space located within the Filming Area, when available) and the Interview Rooms (At selected events, private interview rooms will be available upon request, on a first-come, first-served basis; a booking system will only be available onsite at the ESMO Press & Media Centre – pre-booking not permitted - the use of interview rooms is regulated in half-hour increments and any other activity such as small round-tables/press briefing or small group discussions are not permitted within those rooms, unless agreed with ESMO in advance. Interview rooms layout and setup cannot be changed). Services above mentioned are only available for selected Events held in person.
Press Filming Crews are encouraged to settle within the Filming Area (or an equivalent space), normally located within the ESMO Press and Media Centre and possibly equipped with technical facilities. The possibility to film in venues common areas at Events is subject to the respect of privacy, common sense and safety regulations.
In any case Press Filming Crews must never obstruct participants circulation and filming is NOT possible in the Speaker's Centre, Satellite Symposia, ESMO private spaces (unless invited) and Exhibition Hall walkways (filming at booths is only possible upon booth's assignee invitation and by filming towards that specific booth only), Poster Area and official Events sessions. *
* Special rules apply for Press Representatives: content capture of Events sessions longer than 3 minutes requires a written authorisation from ESMO and it’s in any case only possible for news coverage purposes. In that case, written authorisation must be requested directly to the session chair(s) and the speaker(s) being recorded and must be exhibited upon ESMO request. The same process applies to photography, which is possible for personal use (not for dissemination), to collect data and details for news coverage purposes. Commercial or educational use of recordings and pictures is strictly forbidden.
2. Registration of Third Party Filming Crews at Events
All TP Filming Activities initiated at Events need written approval by ESMO ( and TP Filming Crews can request/purchase a specific Third Party Media badge by sending an email to ESMO Filming (Cc: ESMO Registrations
Specific and different filming permissions may be granted to Third Parties. These are subject to limitations and rules based on the purpose, the activity and the entity applying for the badge request.
Any badge issued as a result of a registration is the property of ESMO, it is required for admittance to all Events and must be visible at all times. Please note that the badge is needed for security purposes and is non-transferable. Misuse of badges such as sharing with individuals who are not accredited for the Event will result in a ban from current and future Events for all parties involved. No refunds, if applicable, will be issued.
In particular, permitted activities and filming locations are different for representatives of:
Companies or organisations producing TP Media Material including, but not limited to, videos, video interviews, round tables, briefings and other products intended for educational purposes (with or without a commercial component) and/or offering CME.
TP Filming Activities are possible within:
- Common areas at Events venues (provided bulky equipment doesn’t obstruct participants circulation)
- Registration Area (quick footage, light equipment, no settlement, no interviews)
- Private meeting rooms (upon invitation, assignment or room booking)
- Exhibition: in a specific booth (if TP is a staff member of the company/organisation assigned with a booth OR if TP was recruited by the booth assignee). Filming is possible towards that booth only
- Filming Area (when a Filming Area is available, filming spot assigned on a first come first served basis)
Pharmaceutical companies or communication agencies acting on their behalf, in order to produce corporate video material for internal use or to be published on their corporate web site(s)/resources.
TP Filming Activities are possible within:
- Common areas at Events venues (provided bulky equipment doesn’t obstruct participants circulation)
- Registration Area (quick footage, light equipment, no settlement, no interviews)
- Private meeting rooms (upon invitation, assignment or room booking)
- Satellite Symposia: photographers appointed by the Satellite Symposium organiser can collect corporate photo material. Filming is not possible.
- Exhibition: in a specific booth (if TP is a staff member of the company/agency assigned with a booth OR if TP was recruited by the booth assignee). Filming is possible towards that booth only
- Filming Area (when a Filming Area is available, filming spot assigned on a first come first served basis)
Public Affairs Representatives in order to produce video material to be published on their media channels.
TP Filming Activities are possible within:
- Common areas at Events venues (provided bulky equipment doesn’t obstruct participants circulation)
- Registration Area (quick footage, light equipment, no settlement, no interviews)
- Press & Media Centre (ESMO Interview rooms only)
- Private meeting rooms (upon invitation, assignment or room booking)
- Exhibition: within the Society Hub spot only (if TP is a staff member of OR if TP was recruited by a National Society assigned with a spot). Filming is possible towards the assigned spot only
- Filming Area (when a Filming Area is available, filming spot assigned on a first come first served basis)
One (1) free-of-charge Public Affairs Representative badge will be granted per outlet.
Limitations on the number of granted TP badges may occur as necessary.
TP Filming Crews are encouraged to settle within the Filming Area (or an equivalent space), normally located within the ESMO Press and Media Centre and possibly equipped with technical facilities. The possibility to film in venues common areas at Events, is subject to the respect privacy, common sense and safety regulations.
In any case TP Filming Crews are NOT allowed to film within:
- Official Events sessions ** and Industry Satellite Symposia
- Official ESMO Event Press Conferences and Press Briefings
- Press and Media Centre interview rooms and working rooms
** Official Events sessions content (including the Poster Area) cannot be recorded (even partially) by TP Filming Crews. Request for official ESMO Event Webcast and licensed content, must be addressed to
Also entities different from the ones listed above, when planning TP Filming Activities, are kindly requested to contact ESMO (
3. Practicalities and information surrounding Filming Activities at Events
Filming rooms booking
A limited number of filming rooms intended for Filming Activities are available at Events venues within the ESMO Press and Media Centre. Please submit a booking request to in order to receive specific details such as floorplans, sizes and rates. Rooms are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
No posters, banners, markings or TP Media Material are permitted within the ESMO Press and Media Centre.
Wireless microphones radio frequencies
To avoid interferences with Events session’s microphones, the use of radio frequencies for wireless microphones by Filming Crews is not allowed, unless a specific request indicating microphone brand, model, frequency range and operator's mobile number is sent to and a specific bandwidth is assigned.
Filming vest
Anyone carrying professional filming equipment at Events is requested to wear all times a specific vest distributed onsite together with the badge. Make sure to claim it!
4. Embargo
Embargo times vary for each Event and for each ESMO Communication Activity and both Press Representatives and Third Party Media Representatives are required to observe and respect them.
This applies to all kinds of media channels (online and printed press outlets, newsrooms, social media, videos, etc.).
Please refer to the ESMO Policy on Press Activities or to the ESMO Policy on Media Activities Organised by Third Parties or contact
5. Compliance
During Events, different badge-coloured stripes will be used to identify delegates as prescribers (green stripe), HCPs but non-prescribers (yellow stipe) or non-prescribers (red stripe). This decision has been taken to comply with prescription-only medicines promotional legislation, both European and/or national. Attendees will be responsible when deciding which parts or areas of the venue to access to or visit. By previously identifying their profile, pharmaceutical companies will be responsible when deciding how they engage or interact with participants, according to European and/or specific national legislation and any applicable code of practice.
Additional details can be found on each specific Events web page, selecting “Preparatory Information for Industry” from the menu.
6. Social Media and use of official ESMO hashtags
Please refer to the ESMO Policy on Press Activities or ESMO Policy on Media Activities Organised by Third Parties or contact
7. Use of logos
The corporate “ESMO” logo is the property of ESMO and is protected by trademark.
It must not be used, reproduced or associated with any video material without the prior written approval of ESMO.
To learn about "ESMO Events" logo adoption in Press/TP Activities and in Press/TP Filming Activities, please check the ESMO Logo Policy or send your inquiry to (Cc: clearly explaining your purpose.
The presence of the ESMO Events logo on any Press and TP Material/Activities doesn't imply any endorsement from ESMO.
8. ESMO Filming and Photography at Events
Photographs and/or footage may be taken throughout the Events' venues by ESMO appointed photographers and cameramen. These might be used by ESMO in its own publications, on the website and social media channels. The subjects of the photographs and/or the footage are chosen at random. By attending the Events, participants consent to be featured in photographs and/or footage captured by ESMO.
9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
All matters arising from or connected with the compliance to the ESMO Policy on Filming Activities and Embargo rules will be governed by Swiss Law, without reference to the conflict of laws principles. Any dispute arising out of this commitment shall be brought before the Court of Lugano, Switzerland.
Please check Terms and Conditions.
ESMO reserves the right to exclude any entity that fails to adhere to this policy from future events, at the entity’s own complete cost.
The present version of the ESMO Filming Policy was last updated on 10 October 2024. ESMO reserves the right to modify this policy at any time without prior notice.
All inquiries must be submitted in writing
ESMO Filming Activities