Solange Peters started her two-year mandate as ESMO President. On the same date three new Directors – elected by ESMO members in 2019 – also entered office: Florian Lordick, Director of Education, Rosa Giuliani, Director of Public Policy, and Susana Banerjee, Director of Membership, are joining Solange Peters herself, Josep Tabernero (ESMO Past President) and Andrés Cervantes (ESMO President-Elect) on the Society’s Executive Board.
Together, they will guide ESMO in the years to come and ensure that ESMO’s Vision 2020 for Integrated Cancer Care, Specialised Education, Sustainable and Accessible Cancer Care continues to be pursued with the same commitment and dedication that lays at the foundation of ESMO’s activities.
New ESMO President and Executive Board Members
07 Jan 2020