Over 200 leading health journals, including Annals of Oncology, published a joint editorial urging governments to take actions to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity, and protect health.
Today medical, nursing, and public health journals across the world have simultaneously published an editorial calling for world leaders to take emergency action to transform societies and limit climate change, restore biodiversity, and protect health. The editorial has been published in over 200 leading journals, including Annals of Oncology, ESMO’s flagship journal.
As a professional medical society, as a community of doctors who care about people’s wellbeing, we are deeply concerned about the global public health threat posed by the climate and nature crisis.
Published in advance of the UN General Assembly – one of the last international meetings taking place before the (COP26) climate conference in Glasgow, UK in November – the editorial urges governments to put forward ambitious climate goals for the sake of our health, for people worldwide and future generations.
“ESMO’s support to this unprecedented joint editorial, comes at a time when Annals of Oncology has decided to go only digital as of 1 January 2022, dramatically reducing the journal’s environmental impact,” explains Peters. “Our commitment to care also means reacting with solidarity and responsibility to developments in the world around us.” In this regard ESMO has also started a dedicated task force to make ESMO’s activities more sustainable. “As our world starts to heal from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, ESMO is committed to ’build-back-better', and the role of the task force is to provide advice and new sustainable concepts to guide this process” she concludes.