ESMO is pleased to announce the newly appointed Committee and Working Group Chairs who started their mandates in January 2024:
- Ahmad Awada, ESMO-ASCO Global Curriculum Working Group Chair
- Veronika Ballova, Educational Publications Working Group Chair
- Helena Linardou, Women for Oncology Committee Chair
- Sjoukje Oosting, ESMO-MCBS Working Group Chair
- Amanda Psyrri, National Societies Committee Chair
- Elizabeth Smyth, Guidelines Committee Chair
- Benedikt Westphalen, Translational Research & Precision Medicine Working Group Chair
These experienced and committed professionals play a crucial role in helping ESMO delivering on its mission of improving the quality of cancer care, further educating doctors, and promoting equal access to optimal cancer care for all patients.
To learn more about the way ESMO works, visit the pages dedicated to ESMO’s organisational structure.