Do you have a question regarding abstract submission for IMPAKT 2014? Take a look a the most frequently asked questions below.
What are the submission categories?
You can find the list of categories here.
When does abstract submission close?
Abstract submission closes on Wednesday, 15 January 2014, 23:59 Central European Time.
When will I find out if my abstract has been accepted?
Abstract notification emails will be sent to first and presenting authors between early-mid February 2014. The notification will indicate either acceptance & presentation type, i.e. Proffered Paper (oral presentation), Poster Discussion, Poster or Publication only; or Rejection.
How much does it cost to submit my abstract?
There is no fee for submitting your abstract to IMPAKT 2014.
Do I need to be a member of ESMO or BIG to submit an abstract?
No, this is not necessary.
Do you accept industry-sponsored abstracts?
The first and presenting author must declare if the study detailed in the abstract was funded by a pharmaceutical or biotech company or by a Foundation or academic group.
Can I submit an abstract that contains data which may have been previously presented, but also include additional, new analyses?
Material which has been previously published in any publication in peer-review setting or presented at a meeting of any other scientific organisation prior to IMPAKT 2014 must be reworded and/or updated. The first and presenting author must indicate what has changed: Final analysis of primary endpoint(s) / Intermediate statistical analysis / Other.
Do you accept submission of systematic review analyses?
Meta-analysis is welcome, but if the abstract presents only a review of the literature it will have a lower chance of being accepted.
Will there be any travel grants available?
A restricted number of travel grants to IMPAKT 2014 will be available. Selection of travel grant recipients will be made by the Scientific Committee on a competitive basis from among the accepted abstracts submitted by candidates aged 40 years or younger.
To apply for a travel grant, the following documents must be received by the ESMO Congress Department on or before 15 January 2014:
- A letter of introduction by the applicant indicating the following general information:
- How relevant are the topics presented during this Conference to your current practice and research?
- Have you attended any event on a similar topic in the last 3 years?
- How do you believe your attendance at this Conference will help you improve your knowledge in the field and your professional development?
- How do you consider that the findings published in your abstract make a relevant contribution to the topics presented during this Conference?
- Have you recently been awarded an ESMO travel grant? If yes, for which event?
- A copy of the submitted abstract (the applicant must be the first author and presenter)
- A readable photocopy of either identity card or passport
- A short curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages)
Documentation must be sent by e-mail to, or, if strictly necessary, by fax to +41 91 973 1918. The IMPAKT 2014 organisers will provide the recipients with a subsidised travel ticket, subsidised accommodation and Conference registration. Travel grant recipients must submit a report detailing the benefits of participating in IMPAKT 2014 by 10 June 2014.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Is there a limit on abstract length?
The limit is 2,000 characters, excluding spaces. This includes characters entered in the title, abstract body and table fields, but not the names of authors and institutions.
What is the maximum number of authors?
The maximum number of authors allowed per abstract is ten (10).
Can I amend my abstract once I have submitted it online?
Once you have submitted your abstract it is not possible to make any further changes; however, it is not necessary to complete all the submission steps in a single session. You can enter the submission system and edit your abstract as often as you please until you select 'Finish submission'.
Do you accept trials in progress?
Does the lead author need to be the presenter?
Yes, unless the lead author contacts the IMPAKT 2014 Secretariat by e-mail to nominate a co-author to present the abstract in his/her place. Notification of a replacement presenter must be submitted by e-mail to the organisers c/o the ESMO Congress Department within forty-eight (48) of outcome notification.
Can a non-author submit an abstract online on behalf of the author?
Yes, but they must create their own account in the online system to be able to do so.
When and where will the IMPAKT 2014 abstracts be published?
Abstracts accepted as Proffered Paper (suffix: O), Poster Discussion (PD), Poster (P) and Publication (no suffix) will be published on this website on 24 April 2014.
Abstracts selected for oral presentation (suffix ‘O’) and/or for the official IMPAKT Press Programme (additional suffix ‘_PR’) will be made public at the beginning of the Conference.
If my abstract is accepted what are the presentation options?
Abstracts accepted for presentation during the Conference will be scheduled in proffered paper, poster discussion and poster sessions. All accepted abstracts will be published in the Abstract Book (online and USB only), a supplement to the Annals of Oncology.