ESMO Guidelines: Real World Cases - Webinar Series: Hepatocellular Carcinoma

- Start date
- 02 Mar 2021
- End date
- 02 Mar 2021
This live web event has been designed to promote evidence-based medical practice based on the ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines, focusing on a specific tumour setting; a young oncologist will present a clinical case, whereas the subject editor and primary author of the relevant ESMO Guideline will critically analyse it while presenting the guideline recommendations. A Practicing Oncologist will highlight challenges and issues related to daily practice and implementability of the guideline recommendations, while offering the opportunity for live online interaction between audience and experts.
Andrés Cervantes
Angela Lamarca, Arndt Vogel, Radu Vidra
- Welcome and Introduction, Prof. Andrés Cervantes, Professor of Medicine and Head of Dept. Medical Oncology, Biomedical Research institute INCLIVA, University of Valencia, Spain
- Case Presentation, Dr. Angela Lamarca, Consultant in Medical Oncology, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, United Kingdom
- Presentation of the ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline for Critical Analysis of the Case, Prof. Arndt Vogel, Managing Senior Consultant, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology, Hannover Medical School. Hannover, Germany
- Considerations related to Guideline implementation in everyday clinical practice and Discussion, Prof. Radu Vidra, Medical Oncologist at Regional Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology “Prof. Dr. Octavian Fodor” Cluj-Napoca. Cluj, Romania
- Q&A
- Online questionnaire
Learning objectives:
- To promote evidence-based quality cancer care by disseminating the ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines in the oncology community.
- Present a clinical case for each of the selected topics for discussion in the context of the ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline recommendations.
- Present and critically review the ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline recommendations for each selected cancer type.
- Discuss the case, the ESMO CPG recommendations, their impact on care and implementability in the daily practice setting under the guidance of a moderator senior expert, with participation of the guideline authors, practicing oncologists and young oncologists.
- Audit the fulfillment of the learning objectives and acceptability of the ESMO CPG recommendations by means of an online questionnaire.