The ESMO Society Session was held during ECC 2015
Monday 28 September
Chair: R.A. Stahel, Switzerland Co-Chair: F. Ciardiello, Italy
16:45 Welcome and general introduction
Speaker: R.A. Stahel, Switzerland
16:55 Introduction and overview of ESMO public policy
Speaker: R.A. Stahel, Switzerland
17:00 ESMO Magnitude of Clinical Benefits Scale
Speaker: E.G. de Vries, Netherlands
17:20 ESMO International Anti-Neoplastic Medicines Study
Speaker: N.I. Cherny, Israel
17:40 How the ESMO Magnitude of Clinical Benefits Scale is applied
Speaker: A. Eniu, Romania
18:00 ESMO Award presentation and lecture
Awardee: N.I. Cherny, Israel
18:15 ESMO Lifetime Acheivment Award presentation and lecture
Awardee: N. Saijo, Japan
18:30 ESMO Fellowship Awards
Awardees: S. Valpione, Italy; Lisa Derosa, Italy; Z. Lohinai, Hungary; B. Navarro Rodrigo, Spain; P. Szturz, Czech Republic; A. Verlicchi, Italy; I. Sullivan, Spain
18:40 ESMO Best Examination 2014
Awardee: U. Bokal, Slovenia