We welcome media interested in obtaining information and reporting on cancer issues. Registration for ESMO Immuno Oncology 2017 was free to bona fide journalists on presentation of a letter of assignment and a valid press card.
Media representatives are required to observe and abide by the ESMO Media Policy.
Press Conference
Official ESMO Immuno Oncology Congress Press Conference was held Thursday 7 December
- The role of immunotherapy in the armamentarium of oncologists: what works, where and for whom, Rolf Stahel
- Innovative research which may be the key to understanding why only a limited number of patients respond to checkpoint inhibitors today, Laurence Zitvogel
- LBA1_PR: Primary PFS and safety analyses of a randomized phase III study of carboplatin + paclitaxel +/− bevacizumab, with or without atezolizumab in 1L non-squamous metastatic NSCLC (IMpower150), Martin Reck
- LBA1_PR: An important advancement in the use of immunotherapy in first-line treatment of metastatic NSCLC?, Solange Peters
- Immunotherapy: with or without side-effects? Which ones? How to deal with them? John Haanen
- First-of-its-kind analysis of the global immuno-oncology clinical landscape from pre-clinical development to regulatory approval, Aiman Shalabi
- Cancer immunotherapy is here to stay: can we afford it? The role of philanthropy in supporting immuno-oncology, George Coukos
ESMO Immuno Oncology 2017 Congress - Press Conference
Programme and abstracts
For details about the Official ESMO Immuno Oncology 2017 Programme and Abstracts, please click here.
Publication of accepted abstracts
Abstracts accepted for presentation at ESMO IO 2017 as Proffered Paper (oral presentation, suffix 'O'), Poster Discussion (suffix 'PD') and Poster (suffix 'P') were published online on the ESMO website.
Abstracts 5O_PR and 8O_PR, selected for the official ESMO IO 2017 Press Programme, were made public at the beginning of the official Congress session during which they are presented.
Abstract LBA1_PR, selected for the official ESMO IO 2017 Press Programme, was made public on Thursday, 7 December 2017.
All accepted abstracts were published in the ESMO Immuno Oncology Congress 2017 Abstract Book, a supplement of the official ESMO journal Annals of Oncology.
Please contact the ESMO Press Office for any additional question.
ESMO Press Office
E-mail: media@esmo.org