This international congress expects to play host to more than 19,000 participants from over 130 countries, including oncology professionals from a variety of fields and related disciplines, policy makers and patient advocates.
The tagline of this year’s congress, ‘From disease treatment to patient care’, is intended to capture and integrate clinical research with patient needs, and reinforces our commitment to bring the best possible treatments to all patients with cancer, regardless of nationality and economic obstacles. The varied programme we have planned for you over the coming days has something for everyone. ESMO’s commitment to facilitating and encouraging education and research extends to its support of its younger members and an independent track is fully dedicated to young oncologists. The role of women and their career development in oncology is also actively encouraged and recognised by ESMO.
We are amazed by the number of high-quality abstracts we have received across all disciplines. The fact that so many researchers have chosen ESMO 2016 as the place to present their ground-breaking data highlights the importance with which the congress is viewed by the oncology community. ESMO is unique in having a highly flexible programme, which can accommodate the large number of important studies submitted and give them prominent exposure in key sessions.
Communication is key to improving progress in research and it is my belief that ESMO 2016 offers a wealth of opportunities for delegates to discuss findings with experts and colleagues and to make new contacts. At ESMO, we like to think that the congress is the place where ESMO meets the community and members meet their leaders, and as an avid supporter of this philosophy, I will be only too happy to chat with delegates in the ESMO Members’ Lounge.
It just remains for me to urge you to participate, learn and enjoy!
This article appeared in the Friday edition of the Daily Reporter