Onsite Practical Information
Kuoni Tumlare Congress has been appointed as official housing agency for the ELCC 2025 and is offering hotel accommodation for both groups and individuals. Additional information here.
ESMO-MORA: The Congress programme has been accredited with 19 ESMO-MORA category 1 points. Recertification is necessary for medical oncologists to remain professionally certified by ESMO. It also guarantees that a certified medical oncologist has continued to update her/his knowledge and still possess the necessary skills and standards for the practice of medical oncology. See here for further details.
During the European Lung Cancer Congress 2025 your badge may be scanned outside session auditoria by ESMO for operational and statistical purposes. Badges scanned inside the Exhibition area by third parties may be for statistical or marketing purposes. Should you agree to have your badge scanned, the following information will be transferred: title, first name, last name, institute, department, profession, city, country, email address. Individuals have the right to refuse their badges being scanned.
The Certificate of Attendance will be available for download for the European Lung Cancer Congress 2025 section of the ESMO website from Saturday, 29 March 2025. You will need the ESMO Username and Password to log in and then complete the evaluation questionnaire.
The cloakroom is located on the level 7.3 and opens with the following schedule:
Wednesday, 26 March |
09:30-18:45 |
Thursday, 27 March |
07:30-18:45 |
Friday, 28 March |
07:30-18:15 |
Saturday, 29 March |
07:30-13:00 |
The ESMO Daily Reporter is the official Society’s newspaper freely available in digital format at this link. Stay up to date with the latest advances in oncology with daily news and commentaries from key opinion leaders on the scientific findings presented at the Congress. Go online and read fresh contents from Wednesday 26 March to Saturday 29 March 2025.
There will be an exhibition onsite. See the exhibitor list here.
The exhibition opens with the following schedule:
Wednesday, 26 March |
10:00-17:00 |
Thursday, 27 March |
09:00-17:00 |
Friday, 28 March |
09:00-17:00 |
Saturday, 29 March |
08:30-12:30 |
The First Aid is available at the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles.
The official Welcome Reception will take place in the Foyer on Wednesday, 26 March from 13:20 to 13:50.
Coffee breaks will be offered to delegates during the onsite congress, breaks are planned as follows:
Wednesday, 26 March |
13:20-13:50 (Welcome reception); |
Thursday, 27 March |
09:45-10:15; 15:30-16:00 |
Friday, 28 March |
09:45-10:15; 16:15-16:45 |
Saturday, 29 March |
09:45-10:10 |
Normal caution must be exercised by all. ESMO bears no responsibility for untoward events in connection with, before, during or after the Congress.
Please refer to the Registration desk.
ESMO Membership offers valuable educational resources and opportunities to collaborate as one oncology community. Discover all the benefits of being an ESMO Member – visit the ESMO Booth and find out how to join, taking advantage of special offers reserved for Congress attendees.
The official language of the Congress is English.
Full instructions for Poster presenters will be available online at the “Information for Presenters” page, by early February.
Paper posters will be displayed in the Foyer, following the below schedule.
Wednesday, 26 March 10:30-13:30 CET |
Hang your poster on the poster board in the exhibition area bearing your final publication number (FPN). Posters will remain on display for the duration of the Congress |
Friday, 28 March 13:00-13:45 CET |
Your presence is required in front of your poster to discuss your study with other participants and with the session Chair. |
Saturday, 29 March 10:00-13:00 CET |
Remove your poster. After 13:00 the Congress staff will remove and dispose all posters left on the boards. ESMO does not bear any responsibility for returning uncollected material to the authors. |
Poster boards allow for the use of double-sided tape only. ESMO will provide double-sided tape in the poster area. Removal of all used tape would be highly appreciated.
In addition to the paper poster, it is mandatory to also prepare an e-Poster, which will be available via searchable screens located onsite and via the European Lung Cancer Congress 2025 Virtual Congress Platform. All submitted e-Posters will also be available online on the ESMO website as a post-Congress resource.
Instructions for the preparation and upload of the e-Poster will be sent to Poster presenters by our supplier CTI by mid-February.
Full instructions and timeline for Invited Speakers and oral presenters will be available online at the “Information for Presenters” page, by early February.
Instructions for the upload of the slides will be sent to Invited Speakers and first authors by our supplier CTI by mid-February 2025.
Press Activities
If you are a Press Representative and wish to have access to the European Lung Cancer Congress 2025 please check the dedicated page or contact press@esmo.org.
Third Party Media Activities
Media Activities initiated by Third Parties are subject to ESMO approval.
If you are a Third-Party representative and need assistance about Third-Party media activities and related queries please check the dedicated page or contact media@esmo.org.
Filming, recording and photography
Congress content is the copyright of ESMO. As a rule, it’s forbidden to record or capture in any way the official programme sessions, the Satellites sessions, the Exhibition and the Posters Area. Third Parties conducting filming activities and carrying professional equipment are requested to inform ESMO filming@esmo.org to receive guidance and approval.
Special rules apply to accredited Press Representatives: ESMO press conferences can be recorded, while recording of the Congress sessions is only possible for few minutes (news coverage). Photographing during sessions by accredited Press Representatives is allowed for personal and non-commercial use only, i.e., photos cannot be published or reproduced in any way.
Both Press and Third Party Representatives performing filming activities are requested to secure (together with the badge) a special vest to be worn all times.
The use of wireless microphones radio frequencies may interfere with Congress sessions microphones: for additional details, please contact filming@esmo.org
Photographs and/or footage may be taken throughout the Congress by ESMO appointed photographers and cameramen. These might be used by ESMO in its own publications, on the website and social media channels. The subjects of the photographs and/or the footage are chosen at random. By attending the Congress participants consent to the fact that photographs and/or footage may be captured and used by ESMO.
The onsite Congress will take place from 26 to 29 March. Please consult the online programme for all details.
Official Congress Programme
Wednesday, 26 March |
Starting at 13:50 CET |
Saturday, 29 March |
Finishing at 12:30 CET |
The registration system for small group and group will remain open until 05 March. But the individual registration will remain open throughout the congress. You need an ESMO account to register yourself to the European Lung Cancer Congress 2025, if you do not have one yet, please create it here.
Registration includes:
- Participation in scientific and educational live sessions with the possibility to interact with the expert panel
- Onsite networking opportunities with Faculty and peers
- Entry to the Poster and e-Poster area
- Interaction with the industry partners in the trade exhibition
- Participation in the Industry Satellite Symposia
- Access to the Virtual Platform to view live-streamed sessions and to view the missed sessions on-demand
- Post-event resources
- Coffee breaks
Registrations desk opening hours*
Tuesday, 25 March |
15:00-18:00 |
Wednesday, 26 March |
09:30-18:00 |
Thursday, 27 March |
07:45-17:30 |
Friday, 28 March |
07:45-17:00 |
Saturday, 29 March |
07:45-12:30 |
Congress participant badge
The congress badge is personal and the only official proof of registration. Participants not wearing their badges will not be granted access to the congress venue. EUR 100 will be charged to participants who forget or lose their badges. ESMO will reprint the forgotten badges upon receipt of a credit card guarantee. If the original badge is returned to the Registration desk the next day, the holding fee will be cancelled. Reprinting, if necessary, is only possible once, upon proof of such circumstances.
The safety of all Congress attendees is of utmost importance to ESMO.
Safety advice when attending a Congress:
- Always remove your Congress badge upon leaving the venue
- Be vigilant in crowds, restaurants and on public transportation; watch out for people creating distractions and diversions
- Be careful not to leave your luggage unattended in any public place, including the hotel and Congress venue; keep your personal belongings with you, both inside and outside the venue
European Lung Cancer Congress 2025 and the concomitant Exhibition have been designated as no-smoking events throughout the entire venue, including all meeting halls, functions, Registration, and catering areas. All participants are kindly required to respect the no-smoking policy, which includes electronic cigarettes.
The Speaker Centre is located in room “W01” on level 7.3 of the Hall 7.
Wednesday, 26 March |
09:30 - 18:00 |
Thursday, 27 March |
07:30 - 17:30 |
Friday, 28 March |
07:30 - 17:30 |
Saturday, 29 March |
07:30 – 12:30 |
Access to the Speaker centre is restricted to the following persons (guests / accompanying persons are not permitted):
- Invited Speakers
- Proffered Paper and Mini Oral Presenters
- Scientific Committee members
- ESMO Executive Board, ESMO Council and ESMO Honorary members
- Designated representatives of companies using the official slide management system.
A maximum of one person per presentation upload will be granted access.
A number of actions have been implemented towards minimising the environmental impact of the European Lung Cancer Congress 2025, including:
- No Congress Bags – The material usually provided in the bag will still be available through the Virtual Congress Bag on the Virtual Congress Platform
- No printed Programme Book – The online programme is accessible via the ESMO website, the Virtual Congress Platform as well as on the Congress App
- Reduction of Society’s printed material distributed onsite – Information is already available in digital format
- Locally sourced food, in so far as is possible
- Water dispensers to refill own bottles
The European Lung Cancer Congress 2025 will take place at the Hall 7 of Paris Expo Porte de Versailles in Paris, France.
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
Hall 7, Level 7.3
2 Pl. de la Prte de Versailles
92170 Paris
The Paris Expo Porte de Versailles can be accessed by public transport from the city’s airport and all major rail and bus stations. More information to reach the congress centre can be found here.
The official sessions and Industry Satellite Symposia will be available on-demand on the Congress Virtual Platform until Monday 31 March 2025 at 12:00 CET, for all registered participants.
Once the Congress Virtual Platform is closed, the on-demand content will be transferred to OncologyPRO.
Sessions from the official congress programme
Registered delegates (both ESMO Members and Non-members) and ESMO Members can access resources on OncologyPRO from 31 March 2025 for 2 years.
Satellite Symposia
Satellite Symposia webcasts will be available on OncologyPRO or ESMO website (only if permission has been granted by the Pharma Company) for ESMO members and registered delegates, from 31 March 2025 for 2 years.
The European Lung Cancer Congress 2025 venue is overall accessible with a wheelchair. All areas of the Hall 7 at the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles have either flat entrances or easily accessible elevators.
Wi-Fi internet access is a free service offered to all delegates during the European Lung Cancer Congress 2025.
Virtual Congress Platform Practical Information
The Virtual Congress Platform opens on 25 March at 12:00 CET and closes on 31 March at 12:00 CET.
Official programme, Industry Satellite Symposia & Exhibition |
26-29 March 2025 |
Platform and e-Posters |
25-31 March 2025 |
Important note: The Congress and all activities will close on 29 March 2025. However, the platform will remain available with the on-demand content until 31 March 2025.
Login and access
The link to access European Lung Cancer Congress 2025 will be available on the homepage of the ESMO website, www.esmo.org and in the registration confirmation that you will receive by email.
Your email address is your username. If you have more than one email, make sure you use the email used to create your ESMO account. If you need assistance, please contact us.
Please follow these steps:
- Go to esmo.org
- On the top right of the page, click Login
- Below the login box, click Forgot password
- Enter your email address and press Reset Password
- Check your email box or SPAM and click on the reset password link
- Create a new password
- You need to enter the email address linked to your ESMO account and to check that email box for the reset link
- Please do not create a new profile with a different email address, if you need assistance contact us
- If you don’t receive the email with the reset link within a few minutes, please contact us.
- Clear your cookies and cache: If you experience any issues accessing the platform we suggest you clear your cookies and cache following the instructions found here (Chrome), here (Firefox), here (Safari) or here (Opera).
- Internet browsers: For the best user-experience ESMO recommends the most recent version of Google Chrome, second to this would be Firefox, Safari and Opera. Internet Explorer is not recommended. Please note that ad blockers can prevent content from loading and new tabs from opening.
- Bandwidth: While there are no access constraints on the virtual platform, it is recommended to have at least a 5mb/s connection for best results with live streaming.
- Firewalls: Content is accessible by default without the need of a VPN. However, ESMO is not responsible for the restrictions of your institute or company internet provider, network or state. In those cases, the use of a VPN is possible, if in line with the legal conditions of your country, internet provider, company or institute.
- Device: The virtual platform is accessible with any device that can connect to the internet through a browser. The experience is fully responsive for any device.
General information
All scientific sessions will take place onsite in Paris and will be live streamed on the Virtual Congress Platform.
The online programme is accessible via the ESMO website, online programme section. In the “Search” box at the top of the page items may be selected from options including session title, presentation title, final publication number, day, topic, presenter name or keyword.
The programme will also be available via the virtual platform as of 25 March.
Live sessions taking place onsite are live streamed on the virtual congress platform.
Most of the sessions will also be followed by live discussions and Q&A, in which delegates can ask questions via a chat feature (if online). Once presentations end, the session chairs will lead and moderate the discussion selecting both onsite and online questions.
Live Q&A feature will be available for most of the sessions according to the programme schedule (please refer to the online programme). Both online and onsite participants will be able to ask questions.