Congress President
- Fabrice André, Villejuif, France
Scientific Co-Chairs
- Myriam Chalabi, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Toni Choueiri, Boston, MA, USA
Educational Chair
- Nadia Harbeck, Munich, Germany
Scientific Sub-Committee (Track) Chairs
- AI and digital health: Jakob Kather, Dresden, Germany
- Basic science and translational research: Eliezer Van Allen, Boston, MA, USA
- Breast cancer, early stage: Marleen Kok, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Breast cancer, metastatic: Janice Tsang, Hong Kong SAR, China
- CNS tumours: Wolfgang Wick, Heidelberg, Germany
- Developmental therapeutics: Timothy Yap, Houston, TX, USA
- Gastrointestinal tumours, upper digestive: Filippo Pietrantonio, Milan, Italy
- Gastrointestinal tumours, lower digestive: Elena Elez, Barcelona, Spain
- Genitourinary tumours, prostate, penile and testis: Deborah Mukherji, Dubai, UAE
- Genitourinary tumours, renal and urothelial: Sumanta Pal, Duarte, CA, USA
- Gynaecological cancers: Nicoletta Colombo, Milan, Italy
- Haematological malignancies: Stéphane De Botton, Villejuif, France
- Head and neck cancer, excl. thyroid: Muh-Hwa Yang, Taipei City, Taiwan
- Investigational immunotherapy: Ignacio Melero, Pamplona, Spain
- Melanoma and other skin tumours: Bart Neyns, Brussels, Belgium
- NETs and endocrine tumours: Rachel Riechelmann, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Non-metastatic NSCLC and other thoracic malignancies: Lizza Hendriks, Maastricht, Netherlands
- NSCLC, metastatic: Solange Peters, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Policy: Jean-Yves Blay, Lyon, France
- Prevention, early detection and intervention: Rebecca Fitzgerald, Cambridge, UK
- Sarcoma: Sandra Strauss, London, UK
- Supportive and palliative care: Jayne Wood, London, UK
- Tumour agnostic: Vivek Subbiah, Nashville, TN, USA
Young Oncologists Committee Representative
- Pawel Sobczuk, Warsaw, Poland