Henri Mondor Hospital is one of the University Hospital of Paris Hospitals(Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris). Henri Mondor Hospital ensures amission of education (Medical University Paris Est Creteil and Institute forNurse Education) and research (Mondor Institute for Biomedical Research,Investigational Center).
The centre includes medical oncology, radiotherapy, surgery (GI, GU,breast), radiology and interventional radiology, nuclear medicine, biology.
The medical oncology department is chaired by Pr Christophe Tournigand,MD PhD. It includes 17 seats/beds of day-hospital for chemotherapy,transfusion, puncture, 21 beds of in-patients, including palliative-identifiedbeds, a mobile palliative care unit (MPCU). More recently, since 2022, aPain and Early Palliative Care Unit (PEPCU) with 10 beds of in-patients isdirectly related to the oncology department.
A supportive care platform is also available for patients during and after theend of treatment (CALIPSSO platform): psychology, esthetician, socialworker, dietetician, physical activity...).
- GI cancer
- GU cancer
- Supportive care
- Palliaitive care
Palliative and Supportive Care
The center has a Pain and Early Palliative Care Unit (PEPCU) of 10 beds has been open in 2022. The Unit includes one pain and palliative specialised medical doctor, one palliative medical doctor, twelve palliative care nurses, twelve caregivers, one psychologist, one dietetician, and one psychomotor therapist. The first aim of this unit is to improve patient's quality of life, quality of life of patient's relatives and reduce symptoms of suffering, developing an innovative interdisciplinary early palliative care offer and improving the management of complex cancer pain. Another aim of this project is to improve the communication between our outpatient's palliative care team and general practitioners, out of hospital care teams and networks. One of the goals is to encourage, help and follow at-home dying. Each week, the pain and palliative specialised medical doctor takes part in the multidisciplinary meeting in oncology for a review of all hospitalised patients in oncology. Thus, early palliative care is introduced as soon as the diagnosis of advanced cancer is made. After multidisciplinary evaluation, if the patient's status justifies palliative care hospitalisation in the unit (for example, for better pain management, for better life management after hospital discharge, or for better palliative care at the end of life), they will be transferred at the PEPCU.
In 2022 bi-weekly multidisciplinary palliative care meetings were initiated. The meeting includes palliative care doctors, oncologist, palliative nurses, psychologist. The aim is to discuss goal of treatment, to identify patients needing intensify palliative care, and to coordinate transitions between
oncology department, palliative care unit end palliative care at home.
Last update: January 2023