Since its creation in 1935, the positive evolution in teaching, research and economic care results of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation makes it currently a reference hospital for more than 400,000 people from Madrid. Since that date, the Jiménez Díaz Foundation has been growing and developing, evolving alongside society, to stand out in its three areas of work: assistance, teaching and research based on a clear strategy: improve people's health, improving their experience in the most efficient way and with the support of technology, innovation and digital transformation.
The oncology department has a comprehensive care profile in which all the specialists involved in dealing with cancer have a well-defined and coordinated role for the benefit of the patient. Integrated into daily attendance, an important teaching and research activity is carried out.
Finally, we are characterized by a value-based oncology that seeks to obtain the best clinical results, ensuring that the patient has the best possible experience at the lowest cost.
Our areas of specialization in oncology are:
- Translational Oncology Unit
- Digestive tumor unit
- Thoracic tumors unit
- Phase I unit
- Gynecological and urothelial tumors unit
- ENT tumor unit
- Skin tumors unit
- Sarcoma Unit
- Palliative care unit
Palliative and Supportive Care
The Hospital Support Unit, or Palliative Care, of the Fundación Jiménez Díaz was created in 2012; It is integrated into the Oncology Institute (Oncohealth) although it also treats patients from other specialties. It offers a comprehensive approach to people with care needs, including early care, advanced symptom control, decision-making assistance, and psychological, social, and spiritual care.
Last update: February 2025