Dokuz Eylül University Institute of Oncology was established in 1992. It is one of the 3 Institute of Oncology in Türkiye, and is the only established Oncology Institute in the Aegean Region. The Oncology Institute was located in Muzaffer Müfit Kayhan Oncology Hospital, which was donated by Muzaffer Müfit Kayhan, at the Dokuz Eylül University Medical Faculty Campus. The construction of the Oncology Hospital was completed and opened to the public on May 31, 1999, and provides services to adult and pediatric hematology and oncology patients on contemporary conditions.
The institute has Basic Oncology and Translational Oncology Laboratories. Within the institute we provide the following educational programmes; Basic Oncology Doctorate, Translational Oncology Doctorate, Basic Oncology Master's, Cancer Epidemiology Master's and Translational Oncology Master's.
Within our oncology department we have 7 medical oncology specialists (5 professors, 1 associate professor, 1 assistant professor) and 12 oncology fellows working as clinicians. Internal medicine assistants also work in our inpatient services, outpatient clinics, chemotherapy unit and palliative care service. In addition, we have 36 nurses and many staff with different job descriptions work in all our oncology units.
In our oncology clinic, patients with all types of cancer are treated, but our clinic is highly specialised in palliative care, adolescent and young adult cancers (the first and only adolescent and young adult tumors department in Türkiye is located in our institute) and geriatric oncology.
Palliative and Supportive Care
Dokuz Eylül University Palliative Care was first established in June 2008 with a team of 4 people (Dr. Kamer Mutafoglu, Dr. Tugba Yavuzsen, Dr. Riza Çetingöz and Dr. Rüksan Çehreli). Then, in May 26, 2010, as the Palliative Care Working Group, it developed into a more established team where health professionals from different branches related to the field of oncology were invited to join. In addition to the service provided to patients and their families in our palliative care center, with the formation of the team in 2008, we also carried out training activities as the first multidisciplinary palliative care team in our country. Today, with our growing team, we have training programmes for healthcare professionals and the community. Our main goals have been to raise awareness on this issue and to continue continuous education. Palliative care support is provided by faculty members, nurses, dietitians, psychologists and physiotherapists working in different fields within our inpatient or outpatient oncology department with patients in this center.
Last update: August 2023