Founded in 2021 and inspired by ESMO Women for Oncology, Latin America Women for Oncology (LA W4O) aims at creating a network to investigate gender disparity across Latin America. Its objectives are to provide support by monitoring and raising awareness of the gender imbalances in oncology, as well as to promote equal access to career development opportunities for women oncologists in Latin America.
Governing bodies and members
Four core Members representing four different Countries from Latin America
- Argentina: Julia Ismael
- Chile: Bettina Muller
- Mexico: Erika Ruiz-García
- Peru: Paola Montenegro
LA W4O’s primary activity is to develop surveys with the objective of further understanding the current gender imbalances in Latin America so to encourage change among Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Peru.
In less than a year, LA W4O has obtained the endorsement of several National Scientific Societies, such as Argentine Association of Clinical Oncology (AAOC), Chilean Society of Medical Oncology (SCOM), Chilean Cooperative Oncology Research Group (GOCCHI), the Peruvian Society of Medical Oncology and also the endorsement of the Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia (INCan) from Mexico.