In 2013, ESMO W4O launched the first exploratory study on the challenges female oncologists face in their career path to reach leadership positions.
This was updated in 2016 to discover how the situation had evolved.
The results were published in ESMO Open in September 2018 in the paper Gender-related challenges facing oncologists: the results of the ESMO Women for Oncology Committee survey by Susana Banerjee et al.
Follow-up Study
In October 2021, the ESMO Women for Oncology Committee has run a follow-up survey to collect new data and assess how the situation has evolved over the years.
Oncology professionals from all over the world were invited to take the survey, contributing to give a detailed and global picture of the current situation of gender inequities and related issues oncology professionals must deal with at work.
Findings of the survey were published in ESMO Open in February 2023 in the paper “Challenges in oncology career: are we closing the gender gap? Results of the new ESMO Women for Oncology Committee survey” by Helena Linardou et al.