Training Experience Required
- be in training for medical oncology (+/- haematology) or board certified for medical oncology (+/- haematology)
- can be in any stage of their individual training
- should be interested in gaining a deeper insight in evidence-based diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and palliative care of solid tumours (+/- lymphoma)
- should be curious about the basic and translational science behind the pathogenesis and evolution of cancer
- should speak English and/or Dutch and/or German and/or French
- could envision working on an individual research project during their stay or on a PhD thesis on a longer term
General Description
UZ Leuven is an academic hospital associated with the faculty of medicine of the KU Leuven. UZ Leuven is a general hospital providing basic health care as well as tertiary health care on a national and international scale. Cancer care at UZ Leuven is overarched by the LKI – the “Leuven Cancer Institute” harboring all departments involved in clinical Cancer Care.
The Department of General Medical Oncology has a broad expertise in treating patients with a broad spectrum of Tumors including but not limited to Breast-, Skin-, Urogenital-, Head&Neck Cancer, endocrine tumors, malignant lymphoma as well as soft tissue sarcomas. Our service does not treat patients with GI-, Lung- and gynecological tumors which is done by organ specialists within the LKI institute. We have a track record of performing all types of clinical trials (academic, industry sponsored) and perform a substantial amount of clinical trials (phase I to III) for different types of diseases.
The facility is a state of the art hospital that provides all the infrastructure to comprehensively diagnose-, treat and surveil patients with all types of Cancer.
Last update: October 2020