Nagi S. El Saghir
Nagi S. El-Saghir, MD, FACP is Professor of Medicine and Director of Breast Center of Excellence, Naef K. Basile Cancer Institute, American University of Beirut Medical Center.
Dr. Nagi El Saghir graduated from Universite Libre de Bruxelles, completed his training in New York, and is certified by the American Boards of Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology. He is Founding President of the Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology (LSMO), Past-President of the Lebanese Society of Internal Medicine, Past-Chair of International Affairs Committee of ASCO, Co-Chair of ASCO Guidelines Advisory Group, ESMO Breast Cancer Faculty, ESO/ESMO ABC Guidelines Panel, ESMO Emerging Countries Committee, ESMO/ASCO Global Curriculum Working Group and author, ASCO Global Oncology Task Force, Co-Chair and Panel Member of BHGI, Board of the Arab Association Against Cancer, and President of the Lebanese Breast Cancer Foundation.
Prof. El Saghir has over 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals and textbooks. His research is focused on breast cancer and young women, BRCA mutations, awareness and early detection, advanced breast cancer, multidisciplinary management, guidelines and international phase III clinical trials. Co-author of ABC1, ABC2 and ABC3 Consensus Guidelines for Advanced Breast Cancer, BHGI Resource-stratified Guidelines. He is a regular speaker at Lebanese, Arab and international conferences including ASCO, ESMO, EBCC, ABC, BHGI and San Antonio as well as Pan Arab Cancer Congresses, Best of ASCO and BBCC. He serves as regular peer reviewer, Deputy Editor for The Breast (2006-2013), Editorial Board Member of The Breast, ASCO’s Journal of Global Oncology, ASCO Post and International Editor of JCO, and regular contributor to ASCO Connection.
He is author of “ABC of Breast Diseases” in Arabic and Awareness Booklet “Knowledge Road Map to Cure”. He leads major breast cancer awareness campaigns and has appeared in over 600 TV and press interviews. His research, publications, media interventions, books, and community activities, along with his colleagues, are recognized to have led to significant down-staging of breast cancer in Lebanon and improved patients’ outcome for which has received the Medal of Honor for Achievements in 2002 and the National Cedar Medal of Honor -Rank Officer (2014) from the Presidents of Lebanon, Prix 2015 du Centre National de Recherche Scientifique du Liban CNRS, awards from LSMO, AMAAC, Lebanese Order of Physicians, Cairo University, League of Womens’ Rights and others.