The ESMO Guidelines Committee manages the ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) and all related products/activities, which are intended to provide you with a set of recommendations for the best standard of care.
Activities and responsibilities
- Reviewing, updating and publishing ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines, Living Guidelines, Express Updates, Pocket Guidelines and Slide Sets
- Disseminating publications in print and online on the Annals of Oncology, ESMO Open and ESMO websites
- Organising interactive Guidelines sessions at ESMO congresses
- Elizabeth Smyth, UK
Deputy Chair
- Emanuela Romano, France
Breast Cancer
- Subject Editor: Sara Tolaney, USA
Endocrine and Neuro-endocrine Cancers
- Subject Editor: Angela Lamarca, Spain
Gastrointestinal Cancers
- Subject Editor: Michel Ducreux, France
Genitourinary Cancers
- Subject Editor: Christopher Sweeney, Australia
Gynaecological Malignancies
- Subject Editor: Domenica Lorusso, Italy
Haematological Malignancies
- Subject Editor: Toby Eyre, UK
Head & Neck Cancers
- Subject Editor: Anthony T.C. Chan, Hong Kong SAR
Lung & Chest Tumours
- Subject Editor: Sanjay Popat, UK
Melanoma & Skin Cancers
- Subject Editor: Teresa Amaral, Germany
Sarcoma & GIST
- Subject Editor: Kjetil Boye, Norway
Supportive & Palliative Care
- Subject Editor: Christina Ruhlmann, Denmark
Pan-Asian Guidelines Adaptation International Coordinator
- Elaine Lim, Singapore
Latest update: March 2025