ESMO for World Cancer Day 2021: together, our actions matter

ESMO reaffirms its commitment towards reducing the global cancer burden by supporting World Cancer Day with a 2-week campaign to promote awareness of cancer prevention.
Cancer affects all of us. This World Cancer Day on 4 February, let’s come together and take action for a cancer-free world.
As part of its efforts to support World Cancer Day, for a long time ESMO has been urging its members and the society at large to take action and make a commitment to help reducing the global cancer burden. This year, ESMO wants to highlight the cancer burden and the importance of cancer prevention with the #ESMOSupportsWCD 2-week campaign.
Don’t miss the release of contents on ESMO's social media channels from 22 January to 4 February.
Together, our actions matter
ESMO joins UICC in celebrating all actions – big or small – that are taken every day against cancer. No matter who one is or where he or she lives, through education, awareness and action everyone has the power to reduce the impact of cancer for themselves, for the people they love and for the world.
Education for cancer prevention
When it comes to cancer prevention, knowing more about cancer preventability, risk factors and early detection is fundamental to reduce one’s probability of developing cancer and, in turn, the global cancer burden. Oncologists have a crucial role to play: become knowledgeable in prevention, ready to commit to provide guidance and act as role models.
Through a recent collaboration with the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) for the development of the World Cancer Report Updates Learning Platform, ESMO has taken an important step to ensure science-based education on cancer prevention can be easily accessible to the entire oncology community.
“I am and I will” do more to prevent cancer
The oncology community can’t just stand still knowing that 29.4 million cancer cases are expected by 2040 (+66.7% since 2018), and – above all – that 30-50% of all cancers are preventable. Every single action counts and ESMO urges everyone to contribute in his or her own capacity to reducing the global cancer burden. This World Cancer Day, ESMO leaders make their resolutions to have a positive impact on cancer prevention.