Tony Mok
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR, China
Professor Tony S.K. Mok, BMSc, MD, FRCP(C), FRCP(Edin), FHKCP, FHKAM(Medicine), FASCO was trained at the University of Alberta, Canada and he subsequently completed a fellowship in medical oncology at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto. After working as a community oncologist in Toronto, Canada for seven years, he returned to Hong Kong in 1996 to pursue an academic career.
Professor Mok is the Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation endowed Professor and Chairman of Department of Clinical Oncology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His main research interest focuses on biomarker and molecular targeted therapy in lung cancer. He was the Principal Investigator and first author on the landmark IPASS, which was the first study that confirmed the application of precision medicine for advanced lung cancer. He has also led and co-led multiple international phase III studies including the FASTACT 2, PROFILE 1014, IMPRESS, ARCHER 1050, ALEX, AURA 3 and KEYNOTE 042. These projects address various aspects on management of advanced lung cancer, and basically have defined the current practice. He dedicates his work on precision medicine for lung cancer by also engaging in clinical research on oncogene driven lung cancer and immunotherapy. His work has been adopted by multiple international guidelines including NCCN, AMP/IASLC/CAP, ASCO and ESMO. He also contributes to the development of clinical research infra-structure in China and Asia. He cofounded the Lung Cancer Research Group, Chinese Thoracic Oncology Research Group and Asia Thoracic Oncology Research Group.
Professor Mok has contributed to over 260 articles in international peer-reviewed journals, including The New England Journal of Medicine, Science, Lancet, Nature Medicine and Journal of Clinical Oncology, and published multiple editorials and textbooks. He served as an Associate Editor for thoracic oncology for the Journal of Clinical Oncology and other international journals. He is the Past President and Past Treasurer of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC). He is a member of the Board of Directors for ASCO, AstraZeneca, Aurora Tele-Oncology, Sanomics, Hutchison Chi-Med and St. Stephen’s College & Preparatory School. He is active in international education activity and has made significant contribution to AACR, ASCO, CSCO and ESMO. His work was recognised by numerous awards including Bonnie Addario Award in 2015, Fellowship of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (FASCO) in 2017, Paul Bunn Jr Scientific Award in 2017, National Science and Technology Progress Award in 2017, CSCO Annual Achievement Award in 2017, ESMO Lifetime Achievement Award in 2018, The 6th Kobayashi Foundation Award and Giant of Cancer Care in 2020. His recent article in The New England Journal of Medicine has been selected as one of the most “Notable Articles in 2017”.