Stefan Bielack
Hematology, Immunology
Stuttgart Cancer Center, Olgahospital
Professor Stefan Bielack is a pediatric hemato-oncologist and head of the Department of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology, Immunology at the Stuttgart Cancer Center, Klinikum Stuttgart - Olgahospital, Stuttgart, Germany. His main scientific and clinical interest lies in the field of bone sarcoma, particularly osteosarcoma. He is chairman of the Cooperative German-Austrian-Swiss Osteosarcoma Study Group, COSS, was ECT project leader of the European and American Osteosarcoma Study, EURAMOS1, and leader of the bone tumor work package of the European Network for Cancer Research in Children and Adolescents, ENCCA. In 2016, he was awarded the German Cancer Prize (Deutscher Krebspreis) for his clinical research on bone sarcoma.
Stefan Bielack is currently on the board of the International Society for Pediatric Oncology – Europe, SIOPE. He has previously served as President of the European Musculo-Skeletal Oncology Society, EMSOS, and as board member of the German Society for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology, GPOH, and the Southern German Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, SGKJ. He is a current member of the editorial boards of Cancer Treatment Reviews and the Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology and has previously served as an editorial board member for the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Stefan Bielack is a member of the ESMO Sarcoma Faculty and Co-Chair of the ESMO-SIOPE Joint Working Group on Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults.