Salvatore Alfieri
Dr Alfieri did his Clinical training at the Endocrinology and Molecular and Clinical Oncology Department, University “Federico II”, Naples, Italy from 2005 to 2007.
In 2007 he gained the Degree in Medicine and Surgery, summa cum laude, and the Medical license at the University “Federico II”, Naples, Italy.
In 2010 Dr Alfieri worked as clinical fellow at the “Head and Neck Cancer Medical Oncology Unit”, directed by Prof Lisa Licitra, Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan, Italy and in 2011 from May to September he worked as clinical fellow at the “Gastrointestinal Cancer Unit”, Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre (BHOC), in Bristol, UK .
In 2012 Dr Alfieri went on to specialise in Medical Oncology at the University “Federico II”, Naples, Italy and from June 2012 to March 2013 he worked as medical oncologist at the “Melanoma Unit”, IEO (Istituto Europeo di Oncologia), Milan, Italy and from April to December 2013 he worked as medical oncologist at the Medical Oncology Department, directed by Prof. G. Tortora, University “G.B. Rossi”, Verona, Italy.
Dr Alfieri has been working as medical oncologist at the “Head and Neck Cancer Medical Oncology Unit”, directed by Prof Lisa Licitra, Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan, Italy, since 2014. Since then he has been involved in the same clinical and scientific context, being his field of application and research interest fully focused on head and neck cancers (including the rarest ones: salivary gland and nasopharyngeal cancers), non-melanoma skin cancers and thyroid cancers. He worked in the same field also during 2020-2021, at the Medical Oncology Department of Centro di Riferimento Oncologico IRCCS C.R.O. , Aviano (PN), Italy.