Rasa Janciauskiene
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Rasa Janciauskiene is a medical oncologist and currently the chief of Oncology department in the Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences in Kaunas.
In addition, she is a Consultant of Lithuanian Health Ministry for Medical Oncology.
Rasa Janciauskiene received her medical degree from Kaunas Medical University in 1995 and undertook her residency in medical oncology obtaining Medical Oncology license in 2001. She completed her doctoral studies at the Kaunas Medical University and obtained her Ph.D. degree in 2006.
Dr. Janciauskiene has been a member of Lithuanian Society for Medical Oncology since 2000, of ESMO since 2003 and of the European Neuroendocrine Tumour Society since 2010.
In addition to various educational activities for university students and residents, Dr. Janciauskiene is actively involved in phase II and II international clinical trials with a focus on patients with gastrointestinal and uropoetic neoplasms, particularly in colorectal and kidney cancer.
She has published 4 book chapters and several papers in international and Lithuanian medical journals.