Marianne Vogsen
Marianne Vogsen is a clinical oncologist in training at Odense University Hospital in Denmark. She graduated from the Medical Faculty at the University of Southern Denmark in 2012 and entered the clinical oncology specialist training program in 2015. She obtained her PhD in 2021 and is currently applying for a position as an associate professor at the University of Southern Denmark. In 2026, she will finish her training as a clinical oncologist.
Her clinical and research interest is breast cancer. During her PhD, she enrolled approx. 400 women suspected of distant metastasis from breast cancer in a prospective clinical trial investigating FDG-PET/CT, CT, whole-body MRI, and ctDNA for metastasis detection and treatment monitoring of metastatic disease. She has published over 20 papers and is now coordinating investigator in an international multi-center randomized controlled trial comparing FDG-PET/CT and conventional CT for response monitoring in metastatic breast cancer (MONITOR). Other research topics within breast cancer cover radiotherapy, precision medicine, resistance mechanisms, and cryoablation.
Marianne has chaired the Young Oncologist Society in Denmark since 2018 and is a board member of the Danish Society for Clinical Oncology. She has chaired several national meetings for young oncologists, including a meeting on "Hallmarks of Cancer" in 2019, with Douglas Hanahan as keynote speaker. She has a special interest in training and retention issues among young oncologists and has led national surveys with important implications for training young oncologists in Denmark.