Maria Tolia
Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences
University Hospital of Larissa
Radiotherapy/Radiation Oncology Dept
Biopolis, Larissa
Maria Tolia, MD, Msc, PhD, has been Assistant Professor at the University of Thessaly - Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, and since 2015 she has been Head of Department, University Hospital of Larissa, Radiotherapy/Radiation Oncology Dept, Biopolis, Larisa, Greece.
Between 2011-2012 she worked as Radiation Oncologist at the Radiotherapy Department, Attikon University Hospital, Athens, Greece and between 2012-2015 as Radiation Oncologist, at the Radiotherapy Department, Aretaieion University Hospital, Athens, Greece.
Prof Tolia earned her degree in medicine at the University of Insubria (2nd Pavia Department), Varese, Italy. After that, she did her postgraduate general medicine clinical practice at “Circolo’s Hospital”, Varese, Italy. From 2003 to 2005 she was Primary Care Physician at Lamia General Hospital, Lamia, Greece and at Anthili, Stylida Health Center, Greece.
From 2005 to 2006 she was Honorary Fellow at the Marathoneion Medical Center, Attica, Greece and between 2006 and 2009 specialist registrar at SHO Radiotherapy Oncology Department, Alexandra General Hospital, Greece, at San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy and at the European Institute of Oncology (IEO), Milan, Italy. From 2009 to 2011 she was Honorary Fellow at the Radiotherapy Department, Attikon University Hospital, Greece.
In 2012 Prof Tolia earned her Master’s Degree at the University of Athens, School of Medicine, Greece and in 2013 the PhD cum laude at the same university. She spent September 2015 at the MD Anderson University Hospital, Houston, TX, USA for an observership programme.
Prof Tolia’s research interests are in gynecologicand head and neck cancers.
She has published 67 peer-reviewed original research articles in selected publications and 6 book chapters. She is a reviewer, Member of the Editorial Board of various medical journals and Member of several Scientific and Organization Congress Committees as well as of several scientific societies.
Prof Tolia has participated and has been an invited Speaker to several national and international meetings.