Lazar Popovic
Sremska Kamenica
Lazar Popovic, was born in Novi Sad, Serbia in 1979. He graduated at The Medical Faculty, University of Novi Sad in 2004, got a specialist title in Medical Oncology in 2011 and his PhD in 2014. Since 2005, he works at Oncology Institute of Vojvodina, and since 2019 he is the Head of department for Onco-hematology. Lazar Popovic is involved in students' education since 2006 at the Department of Oncology, Medical Faculty, University of Novi Sad and since 2019 he is in the position of Associate Professor. His interests are breast cancer, genitourinary malignancies, and lymphoma.
From the beginning of his career he's been involved in science and clinical trials. He published more than 80 papers, some of those in high impact journals such as: Lancet Oncology, ESMO Open, European Journal of Cancer, Frontiers in Oncology, European Journal of Internal Medicine. He was also Editor-in-Chief of the largest Serbian oncology journal „Archive of Oncology“ and nowadays he is a part of the editorial in „Frontiers in Oncology“. He has a great experience in Clinical trials. As a young researcher he was a sub-investigator in more than 20 trials, and within last five years he was a principal investigator in more than 10 clinical studies. He will become a global principal investigator for Roche’s MO42921 VANESSA trial in Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Lazar is a speaker in many different congresses and symposia in region.
As a part of professional education, dr Popovic spent one month at Tenon Hospital Paris, France in 2008 and six weeks at Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland in Bellinzona during 2016 as a part of ESMO Clinical Unit Visit Fellowship Program.
Lazar is involved in organization of different events. He is the Head of the organization of International Novi Sad Oncology Congress (started 11 years ago), Serbian Senology Congress, and as a Serbian ESMO YO representative he organized regional YO meetings. Her is skilled in medical statistics (EBMT Medical Statistics Course 2011), Communication and Medical Management (Frankley Covey course 2017), and Media Communication (Olaf and McAteer course 2020). He is an editor of „Modern Oncology“ Facebook group.