Joris Van De Haar
Netherlands Cancer Institute
Dr. Joris van de Haar is a practicing clinician and researcher with a strong background in genomics-based precision medicine, bioinformatics, and clinical research. He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Biology from Utrecht University in 2011, and subsequently pursued a double Master's degree in medical training and a Master of Science in clinical research, both from Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Additionally, he received training in bioinformatics and systems biology in the group of Trey Ideker at the University of California, San Diego.
Dr. van de Haar completed his Ph.D. in 2021, in the groups of Emile Voest and Lodewyk Wessels at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam, where he focused on genomics-based precision medicine. The impact of his work is illustrated by multiple publications in leading journals, as well as several early-career awards, including the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Prize for the most talented young investigator of the Netherlands Cancer Institute, and awards for the most impactful Ph.D. thesis in internal medicine by the Dutch Society for Internal Medicine (NIV) and in oncology by the Dutch Society of Medical Oncology (NVMO).
Dr. van de Haar’s current research is focused on leveraging his broad background of expertise in clinical patient care, computer science, and molecular biology, to catalyze the rapid convergence of these fields in precision oncology.