Henrique Martins
He has a Medical Degree, Internal Medicine Speciality, a Master and PhD degrees in Management, and a Law Master’s degree, presently doing a PhD in Law. He was one of the first CMIOs in Portugal in 2009-2013 at Hospital Fernando Fonseca, Lisbon. During the years at the Ministry of Health he was responsible for setting the agenda for eHealth in Portugal. He was president of SPMS, Portugal's Digital Health Agency for close to 7 years, where he led National eHealth. He represented Portugal for 8 years and was the former Member States co-chair of the EU eHealth Network, the highest policy body on eHealth in the Union.
Elected Fellow of the International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics (within IMIA) in July 2020. He is a National Defence Auditor. Since August 2020 he integrates the HL7 Europe Foundation Board of Directors. He now works as an academic at ISCTE Business School, one medical school (FCS-UBI), and at Korea University Medicine (Visiting professor), teaching and researching in Digital Health, Healthcare Systems and Transformation, Leadership and Management education for Medical Students and Health Professionals, he has authored a series of papers some of which looking at new trends for digital health at Global, European, National and Hospital levels. He is engaged in individual consulting projects in Healthcare Transformation and Digital Health (www.henriquemartins.eu). At present he works as Senior Consultant in Digital Health and Innovation for the WHO Athens Quality of Care and Patient Safety Office and as Senior Consultant for the Regional Action Plan on Digital Health for WHO Western Pacific Region. He is also the coordinator for a EU-Funded CSA called XpanDH aiming to support the development and adoption efforts for the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format.