Gina Brown
United Kingdom
Professor Gina Brown graduated from King’s College Hospital School of Medicine, London in 1988 and is a Consultant Radiologist and Reader in Gastrointestinal Cancer Imaging at the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust.
She has over 150 peer reviewed publications, and has been the principal supervisor to more than 10 successfully awarded higher degrees in colon and rectal cancer. She had the title of Professor of Gastrointestinal Cancer Imaging conferred on her by Imperial College London in August 2014.
She is the chair of Royal College of Radiologists / National Cancer Intelligence Network cancer reporting standards working group: undertaking a national initiative to improve radiologic cancer staging through implementation of reporting templates that deliver information needed for optimal cancer care.
As the Radiology Faculty lead for the NHS National TME development programme (2003-2006) and the National cancer action team Low Rectal Cancer Programme (2011-2013), she has been responsible for the training and roll-out of high quality rectal cancer MRI staging to over 180 multidisciplinary colorectal teams through specialist workshops which have also been run successfully overseas.