Elena Elez
Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology
Elena Elez MD, PhD is Medical Oncology consultant at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital and senior investigator at Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology. Since her incorporation in 2007 Dr. Élez has participated as principal investigator and sub-investigator in many clinical trials with molecular therapy primarily directed to the signalling pathway of the mapkinases in metastatic colorectal cancer (CCRm). The results of this research have been crucial for the consolidation of the Gastrointestinal Tumors Group of VHIO as a reference in the CCR research field enabling the leadership of one of the most relevant collaborative clinical projects in Oncology at European level. She has played a key role in the development of a research program in the mutated BRAF CCR patient population. In fact, the result of this research, have been highly productive, leading to a number of publications in high-impact journals, among which stands Nature Medicine and The New England Journal of Medicine. She is also involved in international collaborative projects focused on translational research in colorectal cancer in areas such as liquid biopsy and microbiome among others. Elena Elez has also a particular involvement in training and education leading the young oncologists section at the Spanish society of medical oncology and chairing de VHIO educational program.