Cristina Teixido
Dr Teixido is a specialist in Molecular Pathology at the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, Spain, where she has been carrying out all the molecular diagnosis and clinical research in patients with solid tumours since 2017.
Dr Teixido obtained her University Master Degree in Genetics in 2007 and her PhD in Genetics from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, in April 2012.
She has over fifteen years of experience as a molecular biologist, pathology laboratory / molecular genetics of the Department of Pathology.
She is currently responsible for the molecular pathology area in solid tumours, handling the tumour material and coordinating with the head of medical oncology and the molecular biology core, all the essential aspects for the molecular diagnosis (2017-present). Dr Teixido is also Research Coordinator of the Pathology Department since 2019.
She is an active member of several international and national research organisations including EACR, ESMO, EORTC, GECP, SEAP and ASEICA.
She has authored or co-authored more than 60 research publications.