Christoph Oing
United Kingdom
Dr Oing is a medical oncologist currently working as a clinical academic and NUPAcT fellow at Newcastle University CRUK Drug Discovery Unit and as an honorary consultant medical oncologist at the early phase trials unit located at the Northern Centre of Cancer Care at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. His NUPAcT fellowship is associated with a clinical advisory role for Astex Pharmaceuticals, a drug discovery biotech company based in Cambridge, UK. This is a novel position shared between the three previously mentioned institutions as part of a Newcastle University Academic Track, with Astex as an external partner providing a comprehensive learning environment spanning the continuum from pre-clinical research for drug target identification, design of new targeting agents and their clinical application as part of early phase clinical trials.
His research over recent years has focused on GU cancers, particularly testicular and prostate cancer, with an emphasis on treatment resistance mechanisms and novel concepts of synthetic lethality to overcome treatment resistance. His clinical research has mainly focused on retrospective studies on risk factors and treatment outcomes in testicular cancer and he has participated in several guideline panels, including the ESMO consensus conference on testicular cancer in 2016 and the first German S3 guideline on testicular cancer published in 2020.
He chairs the Young Oncologists Working Group of the German Society of Hematology and Oncology (DGHO) and, within ESMO, is an active member of the ESMO Young Oncologists Committee and the Resilience Task Force. He has a special interest in modern education formats and improving the work environment for young oncology professionals to prevent burnout and to improve sustainability for the future medical oncology workforce.