Christina Ruhlmann
Christina H. Ruhlmann is a clinical oncologist living in Denmark. She graduated from medical school in 2003 and entered the specialty of clinical oncology in 2007. She received her PhD degree in medicine in 2015, and in the postdoctoral position, the main research area was continuously supportive care with the focus on improving side effects to chemo-, radio-, and immunotherapy. Christina H. Ruhlmann currently holds a position as consultant in the Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital, Southern Denmark, mainly treating patients with melanoma and thyroid cancer. Affiliated to the University of Southern Denmark, she is an associate professor in clinical oncology teaching medical students and acts as supervisor for master theses in medicine and PhD students. Recently, she has founded the Regional Centre for Immunotoxicity of Southern Denmark with a strong pipeline of immunotoxicity research projects. Christina H. Ruhlmann contributes substantially to the dissemination of evidence in the field of supportive care both on a national basis but also internationally through her activities in the scientific societies like MASCC and ESMO. She is currently the leader of the Supportive and Palliative Care Faculty within ESMO.