Cécile Badoual
Cécile Badoual earned her Medical Doctor degree as well as the clinical specialization in pathology in 2000. She achieved the PhD in immunology at the University Paris 6, Pierre et Marie Curie in 2005 and in 2011 the Habilitation à Diriger la Recherche (HDR at the University Paris 5, Paris Descartes).
She is presently Full Professor (PU-PH) at Université de Paris School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine and Professor of Medicine and Deputy Head of Department of Pathology at the European Georges Pompidou Hospital (HEGP), expert in Head and Neck cancers.
From 2006 to 2012 she was Associate Professor (MCUPH) at Paris Descartes School of Medicine and Pathologist at the HEGP. Assistant (AHU) Pathologist at the HEGP (2000-2006).
She has been member of Inserm research team 10, U970, Paris, France since 2000, and leads a research group.
Moreover, she is member of a National Ethics Committee (Comité de protection des personnes- CPP ile de France II) ; member of the Editorial La Revue Immunité et Cancer; Editor-in chief of Annales de Pathologie since 2018; reviewer for Lancet oncology, Cancer, Histopathology, Oncogene, Oncoimmunology, Oncotarget ,Virchow Archives, J Clin Pathol, BMC immunology, Expert Opinion On Biological Therapy, Cytology Journal of Clinical & Experimental Oncology, Opinion On Biological Therapy.
She is also member of the American Society of Head and Neck pathology (NASH), the International Academy of Pathology (IAP), the French Society of Pathology (SFP), the European Society of Pathology (ESP), the French Society of Cancer (SFC) and the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS).
Prof Badoual is the founder of the congress “virus and cancer” held since 2016.
She covers/has covered several scientific advisory boards roles: International scientific advisory board Inca (Institut National contre le cancer), since 2018, immunology commission Ligue contre le Cancer (2012-2016), Member of Copil INCa, Immunocheckpoint Companion Tests since 2017, Fondation ARC (2019-).
Prof Badoual’s fields of interest and expertise are pathology, cancer, head and neck pathology; immunology, microenvironment, regulatory T cell, immune checkpoint; multiparametric fluorescent staining, HPV infection, Ethics, AI and biobanking. She is Principal investigator of a national consultation dedicated to cancers caused by HPV.
Prof Badoual has received several awards and prizes, among which the title of Chevalier de l’ordre des Palmes Académiques (2018) and in 2000 the prize of the French National Academy of Medicine.
Prof Badoual has published more than 25 book chapters (2 about AI and pathology, CNRS edition, 2018), 120 articles in international journals, 50 papers in peer-reviewed international conferences.
Over 5,700 citations; h-index: 37 (source: Google Scholar), SIGAPS 1545.