Brigette Ma
Medical Director (Oncology) of the CUHK Phase I Clinical Trial Centre
Hong Kong SAR, China
Professor Brigette Ma (MBBS (HONORS), MD (CUHK), FRACP, FHKCP, FHKAM (Medicine)) is currently Professor and Honorary Consultant at the Department of Clinical Oncology, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Medical Director (Oncology) of the CUHK Phase I Clinical Trial Centre.
Professor Ma received her undergraduate degree with Honours at Monash University, Australia, and was awarded Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Fellow of Hong Kong College of Physicians, and Doctor of Medicine (CUHK). She underwent training in Medical Oncology at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, Melbourne, and was Clinical Research Fellow (including Developmental Therapeutics) at the Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Canada.
Professor Ma is dedicated to the development of innovative early phase clinical trials, novel immunotherapeutic combinations, and in advancing multimodal therapy for cancers of the head and neck. As Study Chair of multiple co-operative group studies (e.g. NRG oncology, US National Cancer Institute, NCI, Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program), sponsored trials and investigator-initiated clinical trials, she has played a leading role in clinical research in nasopharyngeal cancer, colorectal cancer and Early Developmental therapeutics. She has also contributed to the development of clinical guidelines such as the ESMO Guideline for metastatic colorectal cancer. She has published over 220 peer-reviewed papers, including book chapters and high impact journals such as Journal of Clinical Oncology, Lancet Oncology, New England Journal of medicine, Nature Medicine/ Nature Communications. Professor Ma has been regularly invited as Track Chair, speaker/ keynote speaker and oral discussant at international conferences held by the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and others. She serves currently as Associate Editor of Oral Oncology and is member of the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Clinical Oncology, ESMO Open and ESMO Gastrointestinal Oncology. She has served in numerous International committees such as US-NCI Head and Neck Cancer Steering Committee - Clinical Trials Planning Group on Nasopharyngeal Cancer, Women in Cancer Research (WICR) of the American Association of Cancer Research, ASCO International Affairs Committee - Clinical Trials Workshop, the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology and the NRG Head & Neck Committee.
In addition to research, Professor Ma has a long history of service for ESMO. Over the years, she has served as speaker at ESMO Preceptorship programmes for Head and Neck, GI cancer and immunotherapy, as well as in Advanced Course for Antibody Conjugates in GI cancers. Notably, she was the Scientific Chair of the ESMO Asia 2023 Congress, Co-Chair of the ESMO Asia Early Drug Development Advanced Course, and the Inaugural ESMO Targeted Anticancer Therapy (TAT) Asia to be held in July 2025. Professor Ma has been a member of the ESMO Faculty in GI Cancer and is currently member of ESMO Early Detection and Prevention (EDEPT) Task Force and the ESMO Council.
Her other current roles include: Chair of the CUHK-NTEC ethics committee for phase 1 studies; member of the Joint Scientific Committee for Phase 1 Clinical Trials, Centre of Health Protection, Hong Kong Hospital Authority.