Alfonso Gómez de Liaño
Las Palmas
Alfonso Gómez de Liaño is the lead of the Genitourinary Oncology Unit in the Hospital Complex Insular-Materno Infantil, Las Palmas, Spain.
He obtained his medical license at the Salamanca University in 2008 and then completed his training in Medical Oncology at the Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau, Barcelona in 2013.
Since then, he has focused his professional career in clinical and translational research in the field of genitourinary tumours. He completed a fellowship in clinical and immunotherapy research at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, under the supervision of Professor Thomas Powles. During the same period, he also worked at the Kidney Cancer Unit of the Royal Free Hospital, London.
He is currently a member of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), and the Spanish Oncology Genitourinary Group (SOGUG). He has authored several articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, addressing a variety of medical oncology topics.