Alexandra Leary
Alexandra LEARY, MD, Ph.D. is a medical oncologist and translational researcher specializing in gynecological tumors at Gustave Roussy. In 2011, she joined the Gustave Roussy Cancer Center as a medical oncologist treating ovarian, endometrial, and cervical cancers with a special focus on early phase drug development. She is also the team leader for gynecological oncology translational research within the laboratory of Predictive Biomarkers and Novel Targeted Therapeutics (INSERM U981) at Gustave Roussy. She obtained her medical degree from Georgetown University Medical School in Washington, DC, and completed an Internal Medicine Residency at Northwestern University Hospital in Chicago. She then pursued her training in Medical Oncology at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London and obtained a Ph.D. from the Institute of the Cancer Research/University of London. Nationally, she sits on the board of the French clinical trial intergroup, GINECO, and is President of the GiNEGEPS (GINECO group on Early Phase Studies). Internationally, she is a member of the ENGOT translational research group, a French representative at the GCIG (Gynecological Cancers InterGroup), and co-chair the GCIG phase II trial group.