Fabrice André
Department of Medical Oncology
Fabrice André, MD, PhD, received his MD in Paris in 2002, and a PhD in Biotechnology from Paris University in 2005. He is a medical oncologist working at Gustave Roussy and taking care of patients presenting a breast cancer.
He is a past recipient of Career Development Awards from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and Outstanding Investigator in Breast Cancer Award from the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). He is currently Head of Research Division, and Professor in the Department of Medical Oncology.
His research work in the field of biomarkers and personalised therapies focuses on biomarker discovery, development of targeted agents and implementation of personalised medicine. His team includes 80 people working on basic sciences, bioinformatics, biotechnologies and clinical research. He is also leading phase I-III trials testing targeted agents in the field of breast cancer and large national trials testing implementation of high throughput technologies in the health care system.
Professor André has published more than 300 peer reviewed papers, including papers in Nature, the New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, Nature Medicine, as main author.
Professor André is the Chair of the National Cancer Precision Medicine Center PRISM and was a member of several scientific committees for international meetings, including SABCS, AACR, ECCO, ESMO, and IMPAKT.
Professor André is currently President of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO). He has been a member of the Annals of Oncology Editorial Board (2010-2013), Associate Editor since 2014 and Editor-in-Chief 2017-2023.
He was the first Chair of the ESMO Young Oncologist Committee, served as Coordinator (2012-2014) and member (since 2015) of the ESMO Breast Cancer Faculty. Professor André was also a member of the ESMO Cancer Research Faculty, 2012- 2014; Chair of the ESMO Translational Research and Precision Medicine Working Group (end 2019), and member since 2020. He is also a member of the ESMO Council. He was the Scientific Co-Chair of the ESMO 2022 Congress and the MAP Congress.