Egbert Smit
Egbert Smit is Professor of Pulmonary Medicine (with emphasis on Pulmonary Oncology) at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Department of Thoracic Oncology (since 2014) and the Department of Pulmonary Diseases of the Vrije Universiteit Medical Centre in Amsterdam (since 1997), The Netherlands.
After finishing his PhD thesis involving multidisciplinary studies between medical oncology, genetics and pulmonary medicine 1990, he became a board certified pulmonologist in 1997. He has since 1986 been involved in basic research and clinical trials ranging from chemoprevention of lung cancer to treatment of advanced disease (non) small cell lung cancer. He has been principle investigator of several national and international phase II and III trials.
In the last decade the focus of his research has been on translational oncology and molecular imaging. These research activities resulted in over 300 publications in peer reviewed journals and chapters in books.
He is also active in several national and international societies such as IASLC, EORTC, ASCO and AACR. He served as a chair of multidisciplinairy task force for development of clinical guidelines in small cell lung cancer in The Netherlands.
Since 2011 he has been member of the ESMO Lung and other thoracic tumours Faculty Group.
He is on the review board of several major oncology journals and co-organised several national meetings on thoracic oncology and (post) graduate teaching courses. Egbert Smit has been involved as a promotor and co-reader of over 20 PhD students in The Netherlands.