The ESMO Faculty combines ESMO members with special expertise in medical oncology or related fields, thus to promote a multidisciplinary approach to cancer. All Faculty members are committed to helping ESMO with its educational responsibilities.
Key Activities and responsibilities
- Collaborate on compiling the ESMO Educational program of the yearly Congress as Educational representative
- Review the ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines in his/her area of expertise
- Speak at the ESMO Congresses, Courses, Preceptorships, Advanced courses, ESMO Summits and International meetings
- Become an ESMO spokesperson in his/her area of expertise
- Collaborate on the ESMO E-learning project and OncologyPRO material
- Contribute to ESMO’s surveys
- Composed of 19 topic groups, each with its own Faculty Coordinator/s
- Faculty Coordinators to LEAD the group and ACT as a liason with the Director of Education and the Educational Committee
- Appointed by the Director of Education and Educational Committee on the basis of their expertise
ESMO Faculty Group/Speciality and Faculty Coordinator
- Breast Cancer, Alessandra Gennari, IT
- Cancer Prevention, Shiran Shapira, IL
- CNS Tumours, Enrico Franceschi, IT
- Developmental Therapeutics, Elena Garralda, ES
- Gastrointestinal Cancer, Lower digestive, Dominik Modest, DE
- Gastrointestinal Cancer, Upper digestive, Tania Fleitas, ES
- Genitourinary Tumours, Prostate, Deborah Mukherji, LB
- Genitourinary Tumours, non-Prostate, Viktor Grünwald, DE
- Gynaecological Cancers, Ana Oaknin, ES
- Haematological Malignancies, Maria Gomes da Silva, PT
- Head and Neck Cancer, Amanda Psyrri, GR
- Investigational Immunotherapy, Emanuela Romano, FR
- Melanoma and other Skin Tumours, Karijn Suijkerbuijk, NL
- NETs and Endocrine Tumours, Rocio Garcia-Carbonero, ES
- Non-Metastatic NSCLC and other Thoracic Malignancies, Kersti Oselin, EE
- NSCLC Metastatic, Lizza Hendriks, NL
- Sarcoma, Robin Lewis Jones, UK
- Supportive and Palliative Care, Anne Letsch, DE
- Translational Research, Jonathan Lim, UK
Last update: January 2025